9.2.7 Does This Gold Farm Still Work? – World of Warcraft Shadowlands Gold Making Guides

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

One of my favorite farms, is it still good in 9.2.7?
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How to make gold off dreamleaf How to make gold off Darkheart Thicket! How to prepare for legion timewalking! How to prepare for the mage tower!

This is an easy beginner solo World of Warcraft Shadowlands gold farm.

Welcome to my World of Warcraft gold making series: Should You Farm It? In this series I will be running various gold farms and reporting back with my findings and opinions so you can decide, should you farm it? Have you ever thought to yourself that you really wanted to start farming WoW gold but you did not know where to start? Are you constantly asking what is the best way to make WoW gold? This World of Warcraft gold making guide series is for you!

We will ask and answer should you farm the legion time walking mage tower in patch 9.2 Eternity’s End to make World of Warcraft raw gold!

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9 thoughts on “9.2.7 Does This Gold Farm Still Work? – World of Warcraft Shadowlands Gold Making Guides”

  1. Still nice considering the effort I suppose. Would think there's too much supply not enough demand. Evokers 60-70 might be interesting if prepatch will have people wanting to gear/bags for fresh evokers, not sure about if mail mogs will be wanted for them.

  2. I really wish they didn't completely tank the raw gold farms from dungeons. Never saw the purpose of it. I get they want people to focus on new content, but allowing the option to run older content is a way to keep things interesting during content droughts.


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