9.2/9.3 Necrolord WW Monk PvP Guide – Shadowlands season 3/4

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3230xp WW Monk Thewytv’s Necrolord Windwalker monk pvp guide


Thanks for checking out the video guys sorry for the lack of editing hopefully it covered some stuff you were looking for! 🙂

KEEFERS WEAK AURA: https://wago.io/PRyPTJrRc
MES ARENA CDS WEAK AURA: https://wago.io/J2eFIGoag
TOUCH OF KARMA WEAK AURA: https://wago.io/touchofkarma

0:00 Intro
0:25 Talents
3:36 Pvp talents
5:45 Conduits
8:44 Images/SEF
11:08 Legendaries
11:42 WW burst/Setup
14:12 Macros/ WA IN DESCRIPTION!!


34 thoughts on “9.2/9.3 Necrolord WW Monk PvP Guide – Shadowlands season 3/4”

  1. recently re rolled windwalker. ABSOLUTE MONKEY PLAYER THIS GUY IS. went from 2800 player to 900 player insane. appreciate it thewy! keep it up bro! im getting better!

  2. Great video! Lots of helpful tips! This is a perfect guide for anyone who wants to play Windwalker (WW) for the first time or even help them become a better WW player. GREAT JOB BRO!!! WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL STREAM OF THEWY THEWY THEWY! IF YOU ARE NEW HERE GO AHEAD AND DO YOURSELF A FAVOR A GIVE HIM A FOLLOW. MAGICAL CONTENT ALWAYS PROVIDED

  3. Can you talk about counters for each class or at least the harder counter classes? What we should be looking for as a WW Monk in each other class that we face and how to go about fighting/kiting those classes?
    Such as Monk v Rogue / Monk v Surv Hunter / Monk v Ret Pally / Monk v Warlock.

    I know you have a disarm list but to see a video in action while explaining would benefit much more. Thanks! 🙂

  4. Hey man, first of all, nice video with great advices. You said its important to make sure u got ur legendary effect up for the kill. I wonder how i should generate chi for normal dmg on targets without using tiger palm. I know there is the talent and expel harm. But maybe u got my point and u have an advice, thanks a lot

  5. Hey Thewy!
    Do you have any Macro for Touch of Death so you won't miss it when available?
    Could you use Touch of Death at the end of every Ability? How would this work?

    I'm right now on 2351 Rating in 3s in Season 3. Thanks for the Video!


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