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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End healer changes discussion video. This video looks at the new proposed nerfs to Mistweaver Monks, Restoration Druids, Holy Paladins and less impactful changes to Holy Priest and Restoration Shaman.
I talk about how this might impact the “best” healers in patch 9.2 in all PvE content (Sepulcher of the First Ones raid & mythic plus).
Disclaimer: Anything can change before Patch 9.2 release!
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I look at (Restoration Druid | Holy Paladin | Mistweaver Monk | Restoration Shaman | Holy Priest & Discipline Priest) in Shadowlands Patch 9.2!
00:00 Intro
00:24 9.2 Restoration Druid Changes
05:48 9.2 Mistweaver Monk Changes
12:42 9.2 Holy Priest Changes
13:56 9.2 Restoration Shaman Changes
15:11 9.2 Holy Paladin Changes
19:58 Summary
External Sources
Healer Legendary Analysis (QEL):
Holy Paladin Tier Set Nerf:
9.2 PTR Build 42174 Class and Spell Changes – Holy Paladin Buff, Kyrian Druid Nerf:
9.2 PTR Development Notes – Class Tuning, Tier Set Balancing:
Sanctum of Domination Healer Statistics:
Jdotb Twitter:
Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
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How do you feel about the healer changes? I am very interested to hear if people enjoyed the "support" Kyrian build for druids and if you are happy/sad about the nerf 🤔
Lets be honest, rshammy vesper totem need a nerf. Rshammy its doing double the dmg of others healers in ptr
Holy Priest never ever get looked at seriously.
Damn holy paladin sucks in 9.2 guess I’d gonna have to reroll 😐
This PTR build feels bad, really hoping I didn't level my venthyr and make a 262 Sinister Teachings for nothing. More teams are taking CDR relic in M+ though, sinister teachings should still synergize with this though.
This is dog shit. MW in m+ if it stays like that is hard to get invite now for keys, imagine with this. Shame it was my main alt and wanted to main it instead of shaman but I’ll have to stick to rshaman whole expansion I guess
I did not really dig the simp build in the first place, so im actually ok with it. Convoke is such a cool spell, and as long as the Keep their raw numbers buffs for restrood im really hyped for 9.2
tldr keep playing my resto shaman, gotcha.
RIP RESTP DRUID IN M+ im pissed af, convoke is ass and mid in m+ well see how it looks for high m+. raiding druid looks insane sleeper builds, ive played a bit in ptr and have had some fun raiding on druid trying different builds.
Kyrian resto sham feels really really good rn they need to just leave it alone and buff everyone else imo
These changes just make RShaman way more meta as it already is for M+… it is such a hell to try to pug for the M+ r1 title for RDruid, Priest and Monk right now… with this changes for 9.2 RShaman will just be even more meta…
Basically just play resto shaman, rest are trash nerfed, just clueless nerfs all over
I just am confused as to why people were looking at rdruid to be meta in the next patch because of KA? Its been around for months now and nobody has given a fuck lol
Honestly even with out the nerfs to mw thy wernt goner bring more then one at the top end withe the stat os disc priest and resto sham
i mean why did they even think about nerfing kindred its the only res we play resto druid and the only res pugs inviting us to high keys it was the oooonly thing and thx to that kyr leggo we do same dmg and having fun i just started doing 23-24 keys with my alt resto druid and srsly im having fun with kyr leggo and evrything and then this nerfs just booom destroyed the fun.
We have had holy paladin disc plus a shaman(sometimes) for what, 11 tiers now? God forbid we had one tier where it was worth bringing a monk/rdruid for a tier at the highest level of wow. Crazy how these healers look strong and they get nerfed 2 weeks later. Disc/Pala/shaman are strong for multiple patches lmao
Mistweaver will absolutely fall to the bottom of the barrel for M+, and their status of thruput kings is also over
Not every other healer. disc has not even been mentioned
Blizzard hates MW. Why Blizzard? The 4 piece set is garbage. MW are moving all the time, but with the 4 piece they are making MW just stay in 1 place and the healing is underwelming. All other healers are getting pretty cool tier sets but not for MW, 4 piece is garbage in M+. MW in the dumpster. FUCK BLIZZARD!
I wonder when they will understand that it is better to buff weak classes instead of nerfing strong. Druid nerfs are so dumb. This spec felt really balanced. It wasn’t to strong. To be honest it was just good. And this nerf… The most stupid thing they have ever done.