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0:00 – Intro
1:31 – Warrior
2:18 – Hunter
3:24 – Mage
4:26 – Rogue
5:44 – Priest
7:37 – Warlock
8:30 – Paladin
9:22 – Druid
10:52 – Shaman
12:21 – Monk
13:15 – Demon Hunter
13:42 – Death Knight
14:40 – Outro

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28 thoughts on “9.2 BiS COVENANT & DOUBLE LEGENDARY for EVERY CLASS! | Shadowlands PvP Guide”

  1. Honestly man, I'll agree with most of these but not the demonology one. Myself and several 2.7+ players all agree, there's no way any player with even a quarter of a brain cell will let a demo lock maintain that buff uptime to one tap like that. Sure it would work at lower rating but there's no way it'll work higher on the ladder. It takes to long to ramp as well, if I'm being honest. Majority of games you'll probably just be running Demonic Synergy since it has near constant uptime so you'll always have usefulness out of it. Also remember that in Demonology synergy instead gives 15% instead of the normal 10% in the other 2 specs. The only place I could legitimately see balespiders even working or being an option is against caster teams. But it won't work against melee teams, Synergy is most likely to be the main option just because of it's near constant uptime

  2. I think that Kyrian Ret pal will still be good because, You have divine toll that can deal insane amount of damage but the cd is to long for burst windows as PHP/ret warr edc, but vs RMP as kyrian ret you might win everygame because, you have judgment of the pure as dissple for all the rogue dot (mortal strike effect) and maybe you'l dissple mindgames on your own risk and mage poly's and nova's from warrior if you have no freedom.

    but I can agree that Necrolord will be the BIS covenant of ret pal because you have all the defensive options and now you can verdict on disarm because of (Final Verdict) Legendary, and you will have chance to gain more holy power of hammer of wrath Proc's and necrolord is more bursty on every 30seconds that will make them much stronger than kyrian because they arent using seraphim and final reckoning that is 1 minute goes, and now it going to 30seconds that means they will have more consistant damage.

  3. I think subtlety rogues will also run deathly shadows / master assassin for just an absurd burst when not playing as setup based games as rogue mage. or maybe just for playing 2v2 with a healer the burst could win many games

  4. feral is fucked, they seriously need to remake the necro legendary in the meanwhile hunters survival are just getting buffed while they are already overpowerd lol. THankfully rerolling is an option cause we will see only survival hunters in higher rating


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