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Hi guys, today I’m walking you through the Frost Death Knight rotation in 9.2. This video is aimed for anyone who hasn’t played Frost in Shadowlands and need a full introduction to the rotation!
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00:00 Intro
00:35 Resources
02:20 Procs
03:04 Core Rotation
05:00 Cooldowns
13:00 Opener
14:47 AoE & Mythic+
It's always nice seeing a video from you ^^
Greate explanation, i was playing Frost for some time now but never to optimal lvl like you described 😀
Perfect was just looking for a guide for frost so when I get my 4set I can respec from unholy (rip unholy)
Sad about the likely necessary switch to Frost once the 4 piece hits, but I guess trying something newish isn't so bad.
what lego do you run for breath?
jesus, i hope blizz see that, the 4 pieces of frost are really stronger but play as unholy was so mutch fun …
I’m hoping frost will actually be strong and that Obliteration is the play. Haven’t played frost in so long, and have been waiting for an opportune time to bring back my DK alt!
I´m also looking forward to playing the obliterate build, especially because it's supposed to be stronger then BoS…im so done with BoS, Oblit crits so heavy pure fun xD
What I would like to have would be a last minute buffer the unholy, very curious to see who performs better on live servers!
As always ty for the guide, hope, if you have the time, we will also get the raidboss guides 🙂
I just switched to NF and now I am fully Obliterate built with 2H weapon. Kind of hard to switch build since I have been using BoS built for a long time but now I like Obliterate built more than BoS.
Hiya! very new to wow in general so some silly? questions
does 2h vs dw matter?
also after 4p tier set will obliterate be the best build in theory? just looking at its effect
and always lost crusader runeforge?
Thank you! loved the video
Hello biceps. I've been playing frost with 2h in fairies since I returned to World War II a couple of months ago. In general, I've been on frost since the beginning of the legion. I love this class. But I play casually in general, 1600 pvp, 1900 m+. In the class discord, I see more and more often that they say that in 9.2 with 4 pieces of the covenant set they choose necrolords, for m+? This is true?
Did you state how long a good vs a great BoS lasts? Good to learn I should hold ERW for later in the window rather than just before. And are you more excited for unholy or frost tier sets?
From a scale from 1-10, how much do you hate Kelliste?
what about dw ore rota?
Thanks a lot @Bicepspump for the video – as always top tier DK material. Just wanted to ask, if Kyrian two handed obliteration is going to be ok in this patch. I have been playing it entire Shadowlands and I don't feel like changing it (I have a lot of fun playing it!). If it gonna help, the top end-game content I will probably play (due to lack of time and my guild not being hardcore raid progressers) no higher than 15-17 keys and and mythic raiding up to 1st 3-4 bosses.