9.2 Holy Priest | Double Legendaries & NEW Buff Testing | M+ Gameplay | WoW Shadowlands

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End Holy Priest double legendary power testing. This is a mythic plus dungeon run which includes kyrian holy priest gameplay while using covenant legendary alongside Flash Concentration.

Disclaimer: This is still very early in the patch cycle and anything can change!

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I look at Holy Priest in Shadowlands Patch 9.2!

Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

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22 thoughts on “9.2 Holy Priest | Double Legendaries & NEW Buff Testing | M+ Gameplay | WoW Shadowlands”

  1. I use a weak aura that gives me a sound 5 secs before Flash conc is gonna drop. Loads easier to keep it up and literally only means i have to press the button next to the heal button every 20 secs, i don't feel like its a chore, more like using an ability on CD like Divine Star. Question though, regarding DK….i've always struggled with healing them. How do you know when you need to heal them, or you can just let them take care of themselves?

  2. Did anybody test whether the 2- & 4 set bonus works with harmonius apparatus? I.e. Holy fire becomes a Chastice reducer, therefore it gets the increased effectiveness?

  3. Great video, congratulations. I totally agree regarding the flash concnetration talk. Initially I too was very happy with the style of healing that the holy priest had taken on, certainly very different from that used during ny'alotha. Now, however, after almost 1 year and a half I'm a little tired. The thing has become monotonous, boring and even a little stressful if I'm honest. I hope that the healing buff in general, plus the small buff to the prayer circle talent can make POH and a more AOE oriented healing style come back in vogue. Honestly, the tier set has not made me enthusiastic, it is nothing exceptional especially if it remains as it is, that is, it interacts only with the serenity, which I believe is not a bug but a voluntary choice to keep the healing of the holy priest more single target oriented.

  4. i feel exactly the same about FC, it was fun and good at the start, it was also rly cool to have a healer that is considered an aoe healer to be able to have so much throughput in single target, but after a year of FC beeing the only viable option looks like priest lost his identity to be versatile and be able to do do both single target and aoe healing, it only do once of those. Also the set bonus of priest is so boaring, all other healer have an addition of something, something that made playstyle different, we dont have this, we just have a skligh improvement on what we do already, new leggo wont even incetivaze casts of PoM (long time no seen my old friend), like the shammy tier set do for chain heal. At on top of that we still have tier set bug so we cant even test it propetly. Blizz rly need to wake up if they want to keep their player base. The fact that resonant words does not affect PoM is what rly make the spell not viable, cose on the number side its very close to heal + FC. They need to do something, EVERY other class is getting some changes on playstyle

  5. Other bugs with the 2/4 set comes when using the Harmonious legendary. Circle of Healing eats the 2 set buff but does not give the reduction. Prayer of Mending doesn't eat the buff at all. I am unsure if those spells receive the 35% healing increase. Also unsure about holy fire interactions.

  6. Actually, Harmonius apparatus might do a reentry in the Holy priest meta. With that legendary, Holy fire also reduces de CD of Chastice, which means it should be affected by the extra 30% effectivness of the tier set, and with Holy Fire, it would not be a little extra damage contribution like Smite is, it would probably be a good chunk of extra damage, so we might see some changes there, If I can, I will do a video about it before the patch goes live. HA also have a very good sinergy with he tier set, as more holy words means more tier sets activations.

  7. I think Harmonious Apparatus is going to be the lego to use. Especially if PoM, CoH, and Holy Fire work off the tier set bonus. If this is the case Flash Concentration is dead to me. Tired of keeping up with the stacks in-between boons. When I was testing out both, Harmonious Apparatus felt so much more comfortable playing with, with a lot more flow to the rotation with similar healing capabilities. Where as, flash Concentration felt very one dimensional and boring

  8. I agree on you with flash concentration, gets a bit tedious, especially when the group is trying to blast through the dungeon quickly. Maybe if they made it 1 flash heal cast empowers next heal. Or smite could also stack the concentration buff.

  9. I’m a pretty casual and don’t make a ton of gold so because the base pieces to legos are so expensive for a decent ilvl I dropped my flash concentrate and don’t run a LEGO at all. I just decided to prioritize better ilvl and stats. I haven’t noticed much I don’t bother healing higher than 15s and I do fine


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