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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End Mistweaver Monk double legendary power testing. This is a mythic plus dungeon run which includes venthyr mw monk gameplay while using covenant legendary alongside Invoker’s Delight.
Disclaimer: This is still very early in the patch cycle and anything can change!
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I look at Mistweaver Monk in Shadowlands Patch 9.2!
Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
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What Mistweaver changes would you like to see? 🤔
Just the damage increase alone would be epic. Needs to be a good 40-50%
So it’s official pally is done -__-
maybe a legendary change that we can do more dmg, or maybe if you stand in your thunderfokustee rune you get a big dmg buff that would be cool
It would be fun if while monk stand in this rune each heals also will set speed, leech and avoidance on target
They should go much more all in on fistweaving. Ancient teachings should be a passive and blizzard should work around that playstyle. Fistweaving is what truely makes mistweaver unique in my opinion. Next expansion maybe.
I'm currently leveling my Monk because I've never played Mistweaver. I want to try something new in 9.2 even if its not "meta" or the best (coming from Venthyr Hpal). It sucks MW doesn't have good damage since its in melee. I feel like it should be rewarded for that and be somewhat comparable to other healers. I'd love to see Ancient Teachings lego with the Venthyr lego to see how it is in M+.
They could give a flat 450 damage on the 4 set aswell. Bigger buff for M+ and aoe than ST. I like the flat heal, it's clear they're doubling down on MWs being a HPS healer and not a DR healer, and the tier set reflect that.
I just hate the 2 set. Does nothing, and it hogs a tier bonus.
Have you tried sinister and ancient teachings yet? You always cast at least one essence font during fallen order before you spin. And your fallen monks can envelop ranged that are too far away for AToM kick heals.
I dont think MW should have The highest DPS by themself. As melee sure more dps as priset.
But they give damage through debuff aswell which isnt visible
for clarification, is the new affix determined for the whole party whoever is attacked first? Or, is it ea person can choose who they attack first will determine what buff you get?
In my testing on ptr, I was doing more dps without the 4 set at the same ilvl. I feel like the 4 set is a trap. Probably is meant for raiding.
I want to get your thoughts on kyrian mistweaver with mikanikos. I feel like the chi-ji uptime is REALLY solid, and having that massive mastery buff means your gusts during chi-ji is just nutty
You guys are copium!!!
MW hps is out of control and you're asking for a dmg buff. MW is fine and, if a change is to be made, it's a nerf to thr CDR of sinister teachings.
It's kind of a meme but I'd love to see how much damage touch of death legendary does
Wish they'd stop making the seasonal affix give mama. Either remove mama from pve content or actual make good mama management apart of the game.
If you want to do DPS as MW, you could be going necrolord and celestial ?
They can't really buff their damage anymore because they bring a flat 5 percent increase overall. Which is way higher than many of the healers currently if you look at the fact they are essentially reducing 5 percent HP of all the mobs in the dungeon compared to other healers. It's way more dps comparable to the restoration shaman, if not more… it just doesn't show up in the charts the way people want it too or in a clear way that people can see.
I will wait for resto Druid m+ here, pls notice when release
Until some omega m+ chads figures out that they can pull the whole dungeon with a monk and no one dies.