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9.2 Professions Tier List speculation based on the PTR of 4th February 2022. Feel free to share anything you would have done differently.
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This video includes the changes for the World of Warcraft Shadowlands professions below:
9.2 Leatherworking
9.2 Skinning
9.2 Cooking
9.2 Fishing
9.2 Engineering
9.2 Enchanting
9.2 Alchemy
9.2 Herbalism
9.2 Jewelcrafting
9.2 Mining
9.2 Inscription
9.2 Blacksmithing
9.2 Tailoring
The following great resources may have been used during this video as a source of data and/or screenshots.
Feel free to share your own tier list from
Do you think the price trends and price distribution of prog essencia will follow the same trends as the korthiet crystals ?
Should someone, who is going to focus on the 233 and 262 crafted items, switch between different proffesions to maximize profit? I want to grind the rep to be the first one on my server, but i dont think i can do that with multiple alts at once.