9.2 What Healing Feels Like? Healer Power Spike & Balance Discussion | WoW Shadowlands

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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2 Shadowlands Eternity’s End healer discussion video. This video looks at how the new healer tier sets and double legendaries might impact their performance in raids and mythic plus content.

This video specifically looks at the power spikes that each roles are getting and how healers compare to others.

Disclaimer: Anything can change before Patch 9.2 release!

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I look at (Restoration Druid | Holy Paladin | Mistweaver Monk | Restoration Shaman | Holy Priest & Discipline Priest) in Shadowlands Patch 9.2!

Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.

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25 thoughts on “9.2 What Healing Feels Like? Healer Power Spike & Balance Discussion | WoW Shadowlands”

  1. As a Hpriest main since vanilla I find this topic interesting. In terms of class fantasy I don’t like dpsing in keys. I do it but I don’t ever enjoy it per se. Pushing 24+ keys on hpriest I rarely feel like my healing is being pushed to it’s limit unless 1) someone makes mistakes or 2) I am forced to heal and stay mobile (part of my spec’s weaknesses). I do understand however that bliz cannot just ramp damage up till hpriest and mw get to flex on throughput or other healers (paladins and disc) will suffer greatly. I also don’t care if I’m bottom dps, I’ve basically always had to accept that half of my true dps is locked behind the invisible wall that is PI (I actually like this). I’d prefer to see mechanics changes moving to 10.0 to allow different healers to shine. For several xpacs we’ve seen mostly failure to move out of thing checks, failure to mitigate checks, and mobility + low/moderate ticking damage. Where is the raid style immobile high ticking damage moment? Or the back to back major hits forcing you to mitigate or heal through the first just to survive the next. These feel like issues in timing and fight design more than in just healer balance (which I also have issues with.) I think the first step to balancing healers is to diversify the damage profiles of dungeons and to create fights where the strongest healer is not in the mitigation or dps category.

  2. simple solution nerf healer dmg to the ground but let the healers do more dmg outside raids and dungeons pvp and then give healers dmg abilties buffs auras that increase the dmg of party members by X

  3. Been saying this for at least a decade; they need to give specific bonuses and balancing to each subset of content. World, Dungeon, Raid, PVP. Yes to tier sets for dungeons vs raids vs pvp, even vs world content, put some world bosses and dynamic quests out there for a mass of people to do like Guild Wars 2

    They want to add all of these complexities, that's complex enough, and it's all backend that they have to figure out balancing; while I know it'll be a lot of tuning, it's what the devs are there to do. Have some trinkets have different, specific effects depending on what content you're doing so that you don't have PVP trinks bleed into Raid or M+, vice versa

    Don't make it a slog, focus on making the content dynamic and interesting with what we have and players will stick. I feel like that sort of dynamism figuring out what tier sets do in what content, or even having to farm tier sets for each subset of content would be more than enough, if not easier to balance around since it's just four sets of gear bonuses and trinks that dynamically change to whatever content that you have to balance around instead of secondary and tertiary systems that blanket all content and have to try to be balanced to do so

    I think they're already heading in this direction, I hope that that's true. Sometimes a simpler solution is just better, and it's not "simple", just less complex and easier to work with

  4. I really like the ability for healers to contribute meaningful damage, especially in keys. Hps check bosses and mechanics like pride are good in moderation, but mind numbingly high consistent rot wouldn't be. That means you have significant downtime for healing, and being able to do meaningful damage and/or provide utility, is a better design

  5. We had a discussion about this on the Forums and one person proposed dungeons with other things for healers to do, kind of like how sun king had the vials for healers to heal as an extra added source of something different for healers that still pertains to healing but is a bit different. I enjoyed that idea rather quite a bit. I hate that healers DPS, as again, it's not the role you picked when you picked healer role. If you wanted to do damage, you should have been a damage dealer. I understand people getting bored n wanting to do stuff or just wanting to support the group, but I think there are other ways for healers to get this.

    As an example we discussed they could take away CC from DPS and tanks and give it to healers, along with interrupts. This makes every healer valuable since the healers would have to be the one to interrupt, to CC, to heal and do other things that actually count as support instead of just doing damage.

    To me it becomes a problem when talking about healers and the thing everyone always goes to is "they could just do more damage" or talking about damage, as again, there are 3 roles: Tank, Healer and Damage Dealer. You opted into being a Healer, not a Tank and not a Damage Dealer. If they want to go the route of damage for healers I think they need to scrap the design entirely of tank, healer and damage dealer then and just have every class and every spec have talents to give it a tank, healer or damage role. If we are going to mix roles we might as well just not have them at all then, as the entire reason for them being there is to keep things separated, not mixing them up.

    When I'm on my DPS I don't like to throw out heals. When I'm on my healer I dislike throwing out damage. When I'm on my Tank I have to throw DPS out to keep threat but other than that I'd rather tanks have CDs and abilities to reduce party wide damage, like how Blood has AMZ. I think tanks should focus on protecting the party/raid, reducing the overall damage they take as well as absorbing it themselves. Devo Aura from Prot Pallies is a perfect example of that, as is AMZ from Blood DKs. For Druids there used to be a PvP talent that, as long as you were within 10 or 15 yards or something, they could absorb 20-30% of all damage everyone else takes and instead take it themselves. I think that's a perfect idea for a PvE tank, too. It stopped if you dropped below a certain threshhold, but yeah.

    These are my thoughts and feelings towards healers and stuff.

  6. I've said this from the start. Go look at video of a couple healers getting buff literally every one in comments spamming NERF THEM PVP WILL TAKE FOREVER TO KILL SOMEONE and long behold 1 week later nerf bat. Some people just piss me off because they talk before they even test it out first. Anyway Lost Ark is out now so im outty but best of luck to the rest of you!

  7. I think healer dps should be fun and engaging and on par with the other healers.
    Give al healers an interrupt with longer cooldown to help out.
    Make tier sets based on a talent row so when you pick the playstyle talent your tier set is also adjusted. Every class has one I think.

    Also mastery is a joke for most healers that is just bad game design fix it. Mastery should make you feel like a master but it doesn't…

  8. Again I'll come back to my example. Im a tank so in a raid when the tanks taunt swaps, I'm no longer actively tanking (off tanking) Using healer logic. I should stand there and wait until I'm ready to taunt back and begin hitting the boss again. As you know I'm a tank not a Dps. So why should I dps when my role is to take damage?.

    So you see my point yer? Healers stop afkin and just dps. Stop being carried and actually help your group out.

  9. At the beginning of cataclysm blizz tried to make healing different. Bigger hp pools compared to the damage taken but you could run out of mana if you tried to top the healthbars to fast with inefficent spells. I have mixed feelings and memories about that type of healing pattern. I'm curious what others think about it.

  10. Blizzard should hire you as a consultant. They really need some direction given from a knowledgeable and competent player.

    Edit: I'm still bummed about kyrian nerf, was really looking forward to playing druid again.

  11. I'd love for them to bring the other healers dps up to paladin and stop nurfing paladin. If a class is popping off bring the others up so they feel as good.

    When I'm not healing I want my actions to have impact. I shouldn't deal half as much damage as a dps but more than a wet fart.

  12. DPS as healer is clunky and i dislike it. I want to use healing spells as a healer and dps spells as a dps. Doing both at the same time is one of the hardest things u can do in game. Make healing spells do passive damage and in increase the unavoidable damage etc.

  13. a healer should never ever care about dps that is not your role to fill in a group same things goes for tanks this late trend in wow that every spec is a dps spec with slightly deferent niche is kinda retarded


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