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#shorts #wow #worldofwarcraft #blizzard #gaming

Blizzard’s new WoW mount is selling for $90.

Hosted by: Devin Coull
Written by: Joshua Bury
Edited by: Sam Gore
Produced by: Bernard Malijan


Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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29 thoughts on “$90 FOR IN-GAME MOUNT?!”

  1. As a guy who missed the opportunity to buy it originally, it was worth buying the mount for 2.1M gold ( 6 Wow tokens ), I get the idea that these practices of real money skins in such a game is bad and will get worse. seen at least 100 Unique players with it, blizzard wont stop because there are idiots that keep buying it. that's about it.

  2. And it's even payable through WoW Token ( which in turn you can buy it with golds, which you can completely farm. Therefore, 90$ is "technically" not really the price of this Bruto. In fact, it's much much much cheaper down to almost half the original size.

  3. one thing ive noticed is that blizzard tends to treat buying skins more like donations, if you look at starcraft 2 all of the campaigns together which contain several extra commanders for other modes are more expensive than a single skin pack right next to it

  4. That mount costs more than the expansion it's in.
    Monthly sub: $15 (can be discounted is you buy multiple months at once)
    Newest expansion: $60 or $100 depending on what version you want.

    So glad I broke out of our my wow addiction almost 10 years ago now

  5. Whale gamers that's why, they don't care about the regular player who wants dungeons and raids. They don't care about the niche gamer who wants endless PvP (neither do I but meh) They REALLY don't care about the role players who pay money just to have access to the game and their characters. Shocking they haven't sold power ups yet though I suppose level boosts can count in a way.

  6. Ive had multiple people call me crazy for calling out this greed and even been kicked off TWO discord servers lmao.

    Crazy how people cope when they are high on their favourite company's drug


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