Its Been A WILD Week For Classic Era | WoW Classic

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Classic Era was a version of WoW made when we progressed to TBC at the end of Vanilla, and it serves one purpose – provide a No Changes environment for Vanilla enjoyers who don’t want seasonal servers / future expansions.
And it worked perfectly well at doing that… until the other week when Blizzard decided to push some changes on to these servers, leading to quite the reaction.
This is The Classic Era CHANGES Incident… | WoW Classic

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41 thoughts on “Its Been A WILD Week For Classic Era | WoW Classic”

  1. Thanks to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video. Go to, use my code WILLEJUL10, and receive 10 free meals + free appetizers for life! One appetizer item per box while subscription is active if you’re in the US. The link and code are valid in all countries and the respective local discount will apply.

  2. OSRS is NOT a good example of a good development model with the polls. the community is cut between PvM and PvP players and most polls dont go through because of petty voting of the other party. PvPers will vote no for PvM updates, and vice vers. in WoW its just gonna be worse

  3. willie a part of the problem covering all that portal pass northrend package bullllshit, come on you created content for a server that sold a summonable vendor for 80 dollars. you should be fking ashamed of yourself. play vanilla again lead a guild and let us see all the interactions and emotions as a team or keep saying nothing n making flavor of the month vids for cash $$$$ no changes noob wtf

  4. Hi, big OSRS player here. I do also love WOW classic however I don't really play anymore due to the expansion releases. If they just brought out classic plus with a polling system they would ace it. Im dumbfounded as to why they havent done it yet.

  5. Its amazing to me that people think Alliance shouldnt have a similar buff just to keep up some bullshit, made up game integrity. Id be so pissed if I was still playing SoD and they reversed that decision.

  6. good video again bud! and again i'm saying, classic fresh when? 😛 tired of SoD, was chilling on HC, i'm on D2R season 7 headed towards another 99… just filling time till classic fresh… gief classic fresh!

  7. Classic era alliance player here. I don't think all the changes were necessarily bad. Ya the guild UI is a bit out of place, and StormRend was definitely over the line. But what annoyed me most about it was that they patched all the classic logout skips. Those were well known timesavers. Now I gotta ghost run back to mara when farming princess, or run all the way down to ST, or hearth/port/run out of brd instead of porting.

  8. 09:55 A polling system would be aweful for World of Warcraft. There are so many idiots, non-programmers, non-game-designers playing the game that simply don't understand or care about what makes Classic…well Classic.

    IMO, the ability for Alliance to get Rend at all should just be patched, it's clearly a non-inteded bug that simple makes the Alliance side so much better it's crazy.

    – Kings is basically a permanent world buff to begin with.
    – Salvation makes threat management a joke for Alliance side – just nuke.
    – No Windfury Totem (basically rng dmg) means that they can have 1 more weapon enchanted as dual-wielder.
    – On top of that you give them Rend, something that only makes sense for Horde, which gives them more damage.
    – Bubble just let Paladins do the crazies of pulls –> Petri –> Guild kill everything with sappers. A BROKEN ability, in the eyes of a game dev, on a 5min cd wtf…

    The old game let you make choices. Alliance is all about defence and strategy. While Horde SHOULD be offensive and agressive playstyle.
    Most people don't understand this, they cant put themselves into this mindset. Everything shouldn't be equal in that sense that everything is identic, then you have destroyed the game.

  9. Regarding your argument about how polling wouldn't work because the playerbase is split is still present in OSRS. The PvP community is much smaller than PvE and there is a reputation for PvP changes always getting rejected because the PvE players usually vote against it.

  10. Yup. If you want the changes reverted back to how it used to be, then dont be a b*tch and mass report the opposing faction for griefing you to kill you and get your buffs taken away. Blizzard threw you bonehaeads a lifeline, but since the Classic community are such babies, they went and ruined that for themselves. GG Classic players.

  11. I'm glad that Blizzard pushed back the changes on this, if they went back to 1.12 that would be amazing, that won't happen I don't think. A fresh 1.12 would be even better.

    I used to think that a Classic + would be fun but SoD has gone the wrong direction in every aspect IMO and is not at all fun to play and therefore I don't. Cata also feels nothing like the original and the servers are terrible and soulless so I don't play that either.

    Classic Era should just exist with no changes at all and I really hope that the way this has gone down makes Blizzard sure to work to not put SoD junk into it.

  12. Hi I'm one of the people you showed on the forum post, saying "Shame on you" to Blizz. Let me explain.

    2:30 I do not believe one iota that these changes were intentional. They simply leaked in from SoD and didn't care. Yes, I heard the Dev typing in the chat during Countdown to Classic's response and I am not sympathetic.

    4:08 yes, era was supposed to be a copy of the characters as such right before TBC classic pre-patch. And then just left alone.

    5:03: The PVP change should not have happened, at least unilaterally through Blizzard. There should have been a discussion in November of 2023 before it was changed. I have a rank 14 during this time and am ranking more characters because it is available to me. Yes, I am benefiting from the PvP change and am abusing it because it suits me, and but I do not like it. The cat is out of the bag, and classic is changed forever. It cheapens the entire experience of the people who did it in 2019 classic. I have like 300 HKs on a rank 11 character. Some people will use this as an opportunity to purity spiral and tell me that I shouldn't have done this, but this is the official classic WoW version that I am playing. Blizz changed it on us and I do not advocate for pirate servers.

    7:00 "dragon/WCB leave no cooldown in and it wouldn't have caused much fuss" – No. This is a knee-jerk armchair dev response (from this channel and the actual devs) without further critical thinking. This change prevents predictable and plannable drops of buffs and dries up the supply of alt Rend head drops faster. There is a lower chance that someone will have a buff available on the timescale that someone is AFK in SW (and alliance second account alts in Org to get their first account WCB, so it affected horde WCB availability too!). It cannot be overstated that it makes sitting around doing literally nothing the best way to get these buffs. Previously there was a window where you knew they wouldn't drop. Instead, with this change, you were incentivized to just sit idly by in the major city and "NOT PLAY YOUR CHARACTER" to hope for the buff, which is the main gripe WillE ever had about logging off with world buffs in the first place. The take that the alliance rend (stormrend) is a good, straightforward quality of life thing is simply wrong, because people like the idea of not having to put in effort to get WCB on a schedule. All of this, of course, would be very obvious if they actually bothered to ask the community first.

    I'm glad there is a classic+ survey, and I hope against all hope that these are a new tab of servers to hold all of these people who want retail in their classic. I've heard the classic+ arguments on this channel and hope it goes somewhere else. Summoning stones because flying and waiting is hard, complaining about getting buffs, guild bank, LFG bulletin board when you can just look at chat, complaining about resetting ony buffs when it's easy and sits in a difficulty level where guild can pull it off as a group. "Quality of life" is the path of good intentions – I will reiterate that these changes must be somewhere that is not classic.

    I miss the days when WillE had his ear to the ground on the classic community. He obviously thought this survey was real enough to make a video on it after a few era creators mentioned it, but casted doubt that it was real throughout. I understand era has been quite forgotten by most in the recent years, but it is what started this channel. I hope that one day Blizz will make a great classic era and classic+ that the classic era folks can dabble into and enjoy. I also would love for classic+ to be a wonderful version of the game that I will play sometimes, perhaps even as my main game between classic raids or pvp. Just leave era alone

  13. Cry more. Stop playing the game and making content about their and they might listen , keep taking about it while playing the message is clear “you’ll keep paying”


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