Nobbel Reacts to: Shadowlands Finale Cinematic & Beyond

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Due to popular request, here’s my reaction to the final cutscenes found within Sepulcher of the First ones. The conclussion of the story of the shadowlands…welll…. almost I suppose. There’s still the judgmenet finale to be seen, but when it comes to the story of the jailer and the shadowlands… this is what we got!

Anduin Raid Finale 0:538:00
Jailer Intro 8:0113:59
Jailer Outro 14:0021:52
And beyond 21:5349:05

Want More Lore?!
The Story of Queen Azshara:
The Story of Jaina Proudmoore:
The Story of Rexxar:
The Story of The Zandalari:


Intro screen made by Pakulia:

Outro screen made by Whammo:

The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod

World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®


33 thoughts on “Nobbel Reacts to: Shadowlands Finale Cinematic & Beyond”

  1. i personally didn’t even hate bfa that much, though i know a lot of people did. but i think we’re all in agreement that shadowlands is by and far the worst expansion in just about every aspect. it can’t even be compared to wod anymore because they both had the same lack of content, and wod at least did its small amount of content decently well

  2. the bigger threat he was trying to stop was the blizzard storyboard team fucking up so badly that nothing makes sense anymore, and was trying to save us all by changing the world so it makes sense again.

  3. Pretty bummed out by this – it is so disappointing. Arthas goes out in a blue fart and only someone who did worse than him gets to monologue, and now we're supposed to think that having reality completely destroyed and re-made is supposedly a better option than "what is to come"? These writers must think "shades of grey" is such a deep concept that lets them neglect most of the storyline.

    I will say that I think the reason Saurfang was there was because of the sword, since he was one of the few worthy wielders of the blade. I would prefer to think the blade itself helped him break free, and not just Anduin needing a pep-talk from his daddys.

  4. If Zovaal is a robot, and he is part of the Eternal Ones, that makes the others robots as well. Therefore, if the Winter Queen is Elune's sister (which was explicitly said, unless I imagined that part), then Elune herself is a robot. Hot damn, robots everywhere.

  5. I think this is unfixable. The stench of the last two expansion's aren't gonna just come out in the wash.

    We need a large resetting of the table to even start with a good story. Cause everything in Warcraft right now is tainted. I was so hopeful that the Jailer would at least partially succeed in changing the laws of the universe because it could open so many avenues to fix what happened. Yes, it'd suckv and be a cop out. Just like how Warlords was ultimately just to get Gul'dan back for Legion to happen. But at least that allowed a cool story to be born from it

    God, it's so fucking strange but I would actually welcome a Warlords of Draenor completely cut off story from everything, anything else. At least a time travel to the past means we don't have to fucking care about any of the mountains of manure this expansion had produced.

    Honestly, reboot the series, time travel shenanigans it up, whatever I don't care. Just hit the giant emergency reset button cause this story needs it.

  6. One thing I remember from legion that arthas said as a shade "no matter what you will always be following what HE wills" so you could actually make it less fucky if you consider that arthas may be mentioning the jailer?

  7. Shadowlands was made to give Garrosh a "proper" ending.

    They did Arthas dirty, DIRTY! Arthas carried the Warcraft IP from WC to WotlK no other character has done so much for the IP, and just to handwave him away like that?
    Countless things they could have done with him.
    Blizzard did one thing right in Legion which was to bring back Sargeras and Illidan and just put them on a shelve, that gives them room to bring them out to play when needed.
    Why not do something similar for Arthas?
    Could that be milking him? ABSOLUTELY.
    But seeing how they can't create any new character with enough staying power, I could rather have them milk an already established character…
    I can't get over how dirty they did him.


  8. Honestly… If they had just revealed that they locked up the jailer because he tried to rewrite the world from the very beginning. If they just had the arbiter or paragon or whatever the winged one was called- tell us that he was imprisoned because he was insane…. Idk, it wouldn't have saved shadowlands but it could have potentially been a smaller dumpster fire than what we got

  9. 10.0 will be horrible, as all else to come, sadly. The authors are horrible and they have a skewered and wrong agenda, but the problem barely starts there.

    Much like with GW2, we're seeing how WoW and some other big MMOs are generalizing their stories, keeping things colorful and safe, aiming them for the general youngens, and the plot suffers for it. Warcraft did cliches since before WoW even came to be, and it did them well, hard hitting and memorable. Now, however, it's all half-hearted and lacking, but rehashing and making things blander, coupled with much more to ruin the plot lines they once had, eh, nothing new for activision. After all, these are the guys that chased away all their original employees, capped and cut the salaries of their senior programmers – which were not even high, just acceptable at best given the work they do, and were then straight up reduced to severely underpaid, to transfer that to their new employees so they are actually paid the bare minimum of what they deserved, since they had in mind to just not give 'em sod all as well.

    In the end, they chased everyone away since they couldn't even accept the notion of paying half their workers their due for the work they do. So how does one expect authors, not the original ones that started the story, and ones tasked with making something catchy to bring in youngens and likely also underpaid, to give a damn and try in this writing? They won't, and that's how we got this. And it is, as it hurts me to write it, what we will keep getting as long as Blizzard is headed by activision, and that is sadly going to last until they fully bury it into the ground. Just as with their other franchises, left empty of all their original developers.

    The only thing we can hope for now is not activision Blizzard to do it right, but them to eventually sell the show to some other company that actually appreciates the product WoW is, or what it can be if they treat it right, and that to happen before it's so into the ground you can't pull it out. A forlorn thought, but sadly that's likely the actual degree of salvageable it is right now.

    Twas a good show while it last it, and a very honorless death, but alas, we'll remember it for what it once was.

  10. I gave the wow team the benefit of the doubt given all the turmoil with blizzard but now that this content is post that I’m honestly disappointed that the quality of the story is still in the dumpster. They can’t put this one on some creep guy this is all on them.

  11. I've been watching your stuff for years but your take on all this stuff is so unpleasant. I see the disappointment but your new "straw man" approach to this story direction is lame.

  12. I think that "Ahaha, I, Retcon, was actually behind everything!" and "There is a greater evil coming!" can work well IF it's built up. As someone who's not really gotten into WoW lore or played any of the warcraft games, but has at least tried to follow along with some of the story stuff, there are ways to retcon or recontextualize events in a manner that makes it more interesting. However, what WoW seems to be doing is having this constant escalation of "there's a bigger threat out there" at the end of every expansion because Escalation is needed to drive a narrative forwards, especially one that is supposed to last as long as something like World of Warcraft. However, the game is 12-13 years old at this point, but MMOs don't get sequels. The big thing is that it seems to be done for the sake of being done; Warcraft's story will continue because it has to continue until they can't push out any more expansions. That's not a healthy attitude towards narrative storytelling.

    These big reveals of "the bad guy was behind everything all along" CAN work, and Destiny is a prime example of that. That said, a lot of that had to do with the dubious state of Destiny's narrative until recently, but the last two years of Destiny have told a consistent story starting from Shadowkeep to Witch Queen about Savathun's manipulations, but also the nature of the Darkness and the Light, the Pyramids and the Traveller, and other universal elements, with Witch Queen giving us the most comprehensive look at the cosmic war of Light versus Dark yet, including the reveal of the Big Bad or Head Honcho of the Darkness.

    But the reason this worked was because this all has been leading to a climactic showdown between the forces of the Light and the Dark, and the escalation is in service of this. Ever since Destiny 2's post-campaign cutscene, there's been these trickles of information, and the Pyramid Ships have had over five years of buildup since their reveal. The entirety of 2021- from the launch of Beyond Light to the end of the Season of the Lost- was a build-up to Witch Queen.

    From what I can tell, WoW didn't have this, at least not in an interesting or engaging methodology. There was no real build-up to this big, escalating cosmic war aside from the Light and the Void, and Disorder and Order, and a lot of those threads were finished in Legion. But, of course, after fighting the Burning Legion, the Horde versus the Alliance doesn't seem "big" enough, so the writers dragged the Old Gods into it. But the problem is that constant escalation without a way to "breathe" can be exhausting for an audience. People stop caring if every single threat is bigger than the last, if there's no room for people to digest what they've just seen.

    Like, some of the concepts shadowlands introduced are alright, but I can't see myself going through it. I really think the WoW story team needs to stop trying to make these big existential threats every single year or expansion, despite how bombastic they might seem initially. It's just not healthy for a narrative.

  13. It reminds me of the final attack that finished the cell games, with Gohan almost losing it but Goku swooping in with the encouragement. Of course he did have that help from Vegeta, I think. That's been awhile lol

  14. Shadowlands is basically just forgetting that the previous lore happened, like why Sauerfang who only just recently got close to him when back in the old books Anduin had so many people way closer to him.

  15. About the First Ones creating the Jailer fully knowing he would betray them all, etc.
    I'd say this is in line with the Matrix Trilogy. The machines created a Utopia for humans to live in but humans rejected it and so the machines had to put in suffering and other stuff. They also had to enable Free Will and Neo was the Anomaly, the eventuality that they could not account for. I guess you could argue that Zovaal hold a similar role, or that the First Ones knew there might be one that betrayed them but they didn't know which one (but then it's wierd that the Waystone was only in the Maw and not one in each zone..)

  16. Predeterminism is a potential game killer. What is the point of me doing all these activities, fighting all these things if everything has been already set in stone and these higher beings already know what is going to happen? They harp on about hope to try and sway Sylvannas but now there's no hope. We are just pawns in this huge cosmic machine. Terrible pov for a player who wants to be a hero or even a villian.

  17. My hope is that things settle down, it doesn't need to be amazing, just clean things up a bit. I know I'm a minority in still liking a lot of the Warcraft story, even when it stumbles and falls flat on its face. Though I admit I am nervous, both on Blizzard's side and the fans. Over the years I've seen both sides just degrading in certain regards and even if decent writing is done, people won't be happy. Maybe I just have a skewed perception of things


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