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Everything you need to know about working towards legendary items through your weekly Torghast runs in Shadowlands!
0:00 Intro
1:47 How Torghast works
8:18 Soul Ash + how much you need to make a legendary
15:56 Guided Torghast run (layer 6)
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#nubkeks #wow #worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #torghast
love this. keep em comin
"Why are you doing torghast…"
Fun tbh
If I have it good you can teleport with the new skil what you have now on buten z
In Twisting Corridiors there is one "power" perk, the mount which is the final reward can be used in Maw. This can at least be a huge QoL bonus.
Looks like great fun ! looking forward to it
This was very educational for those of us hyped but still waiting on SL. Thanks!!
no legendary with mythic+ gear… it looks good, fun but too easy… will see tho
So wait can you do each layer 1 through 8 every week or it pick one layer and that’s it?
loved this video, the run and the Shadow Priest game play since it is goiing to be my main! Cant wait for the stream see you around mate!
Super hyped for this, pretty much what I'll be spending most of my time doing.
Sooo it's seems like it's a funny system that you have to farm and not as frustrating as azerite? Or we are going to die and stress a lot as 5 masks without good items, nice vid
I really hope that tormennt thiig is a bug : /
does phantasma is only useable in torghast or can you save it for other runs?
Would be super cool if playing torghast was a legit gold farming method. I can dream that goldfarming can actually be fun and part of actually playing the game lol
Woohoo farming Artifact Pow… er Azerit… er Soul Ash! Fun fun, can't wait!
this looks 100% ripped off from ffxiv's endless dungeons only just for solo instead of small groups
Because you have unlimited attempts, I feel that they can turn up the difficulty a bit more. Blizzard shouldn't be afraid to challenge us.
This video got me super pumped for shadowlands and I was already looking forward to it!
Amazing video i love how detailed you are thank you so much for that keep up the great work.
Do we earn the same amount of soul ashes if we do thorgast with a friend? Great video btw
Do this with a healer, like resto druid.
@nubkeks Any chance of a video which shows what each of the covenant weekly events are, what you need to do for them and what perks if any they offer? Ty for the content 🙂
Whaaaaaat, I absolutely LOVED the idea of infinite Torghast, where you can keep stacking up your powers, kinda like in risk of rain 2, really hope they bring it back in some way
so we’re gonna have dungeons & torghast ? lawd
Great video! As a super casual player I appreciate the thourough and visual runthrough. Very informative and motivates me to get really into this expac like I hope to!
Any solo Torghast Tier List haha