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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Can we please get back to videos that dont take 2+ min to get to why we clicked?! Kthxbye
Playing Shaman in the remix for the first time. Looks like you have been playing one. Could you make a quick guide for us newbies to Shaman in remix. I have found a few guides but most seem out dated. Thanks for the video. I'm used to Rogue, Hunter and Warlock as my mains.
I found a spot where you get get full level in 7min avg, once I hit 60, it took 15min for one level (its aoe hyperspawn with druid guardian)
Im lvl 20 atm… havent seen a way to upgrade my cloak yet… am i missing something or does it come later on? Currently just questing in Jade forest.
An almost 9 minute video to basically say do Dungeons and Scenarios, quests and then Normal raids around 60 to 70 to boost your cape… lmao wtf
It went from the full cloak shared to partial credit for Alts. It’s not that great IMO. Blizzard always finds a way to kill the fun. Why not just share the cloak stats between all characters?
I got bored with remix in an hour
I don't like that they ruined all the rare mounts from this expansion by just giving them away. Give away re-colors, not the actual rare mounts. People spent years farming these.. Blizzard just wasted all their time.
Someone freaking @ me with a TLDR. I'm not watching a 9 minute video with no information 2 minutes in. I'm trying to figure out how to do something fast and his video takes longer than levelling to 70, holy hell.
Lots of hype turned out to not be true at launch. Leveling isn’t that fast really. Looks to be another grind. Alt leveling is still questionable at best. I’ll still play for the mounts I missed back in the day and the transmog but doubt I’ll do multiple alts unless it turns out to be MUCH easier/faster.
Great vid
Holy that was the easiest “don’t recommend this channel of my life”
Turn that flying off. It’s all rush rush, retail mentality.
Overall it’s been pretty lackluster. Hoping the fun ramps up cause right now it just feels like a chore
JUST FYI exp threads stop droping at level 50 devs said this already on interview on 16th…also ya only get a start point of the clock on next alt it goes up for each alt
How did you get the Shado Pan hat without the golden horns in the thumbnail?
i'm not in a rush really, i'm coasting through it right now, after 2 short play sessions, i've completed the Jade Forest, dinged 30 and my EXP Bonus is 35%. havent even done the Dungeon daily yet. oh and also working on my Prismatic Gems, working to get them as high as i can get them. so far got some Purples
What is the fastest way to farm bronze, I have a lot of mounts to get lol ?
Dumb question, Can I solo Dungeons and Raids for MoP Remix at a certain level? 65 -70?
you yapping for minutes without ANY information is the reason your channel is dead bro
wish they would add an option to transfer to dragonflight after hitting 70
Leveling to 30 was actually slow compared to standard retail 1-30. Content creators are selling players B.S it really isn't that great. Overhyped.