New Dragonflight Professions! Good or Bad? | Q&A & Discussion | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video is a brand new Q&A that discussing the upcoming Profession changes in Dragonflight as well as advice for people leveling up old world and what exactly I do with all my gold! This is quite a long video so feel free to listen to it in stages or Podcast style in the background. As always, if you have any more questions feel free to let me know! Thanks for watching everyone!

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0:00 Intro
1:14 Spending Gold
2:53 How I Don’t Get Bored
4:38 Other Games I’ve Been Playing
6:33 How I got my Username
8:20 White/Grey Items Transmog
12:35 New Work Order System
16:35 Profession Specializations
18:27 A Little bit Skeptical…
19:22 Dragonriding & Flying
21:00 SL Becomes Old World
23:18 Best BFA Items
25:18 The FINALE!
33:12 Outro

🎵 Music:
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


5 thoughts on “New Dragonflight Professions! Good or Bad? | Q&A & Discussion | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Awwh, I was hoping r2gt = retweet 2 gold tweets 🙁 as that's all I could think of 🙂
    For the next Q&A, are there any other YouTuber creators that you would like to fight?

  2. I do like that my question unintentionally became a plug for the discord. 😛

    When I think about it, it has been alot of stealthbuffs/nerfs to different stuff gold related. Korthite, Prog essences, the shrouded cloth I think was actually released in a statement and it came like week 2 of the expansion. I remember sitting to 4 AM in the morning just crafting to get rid of all my stock.

    I think the importance of cancelscanning, and hopefully we can get away from it, is my biggest lesson. No one likes cancelscanning(at least I don't think anyone enjoys it).

    Hope to catch your stream soon


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