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Durotar, the land named after Thrall’s father, Durotan, lies on the eastern coast of Kalimdor. It borders the Barrens to the west and the coastal lands of Azshara to the north. The land of Durotar is rocky, and the soil is cracked and red, not unlike the orcs’ Draenorian homeland. The land has many crags and canyons, where various dangerous creatures take residence. It is a harsh land to survive in; it is very dry and hot, and the vegetation and freshwater access is sparse.
The orcs, however, see a harsh beauty in the land that reminds them of their home world. Durotar is a proving ground for young orcs, who are sent to the Valley of Trials to complete several rites of passage before they are considered fit for the challenges that lie ahead. Durotar is the new homeland of the orcs and the site of the orcs’ principal city of Orgrimmar. While the orcs founded their city of Orgrimmar here, Durotar has become something of a haven for all of the Horde races, especially the trolls.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Plains: Jason Hayes
Durotar: David Arkenstone
Zul’Aman Ambience: Derek Duke
Zul’Farrak: Russell Brower
Locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro / Durotar
0:00:50 Valley of Trials
0:04:26 Kaltunk (First quest giver)
0:07:04 Sarkoth and Lazy Peon (Work, work!)
0:10:10 The Burning Blade Coven
0:11:10 Sen’jin Village Outskirts
0:12:19 Darkspear Strand
0:14:22 Sen’jin Village
0:17:22 Echo Isles
0:18:32 Darkspear Hold
0:19:35 Darkspear Training Grounds
0:20:42 Spitescale Cove
0:23:45 Scuttle Coast
0:26:39 Tiragarde Keep
0:30:10 Razor Hill Outskirts
0:34:03 Razor Hill
0:37:16 Razor Hill Barracks
0:37:57 Razor Hill Tavern
0:38:54 Razor Hill Watchtower
0:40:22 Southfury Watershed
0:41:10 Tor’kren Farm
0:42:27 Razormane Grounds
0:47:07 Razorwind Canyon
0:52:11 Orgrimmar
0:53:56 North of Thunder Ridge
0:54:51 The Dranosh’ar Blockade
0:55:52 Margoz (quest giver)
0:57:07 The Dranosh’ar Blockade
0:58:44 The Gates of Orgrimmar
As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old & new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoWCataclysm
I've covered this zone previously, but in Classic. I did not want to play these types of zones in Retail, just because I did not want any change to my old Azeroth. But it's time for me to move on and admit these zones are changed forever (took me only 12 years).
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With love,
Amazing starting zone this is. Thanks for the upload Meisio !
Thank You very much, for moving over your fears and annoyance for this one! I never really played an orc or troll before, but the ambiance and music stuck with me from those times. I really hope that you are doing well, and will thrive! Thank you for your hard work and dedication, as always! With love, p.
I’m in the same boat as you Meisio! As much as I’m sad that it’s changed, it still brings back so much.
Comment for support of this amazing channel!
감사합니다 사랑합니다
You're right, Durotar is hot and dry during the day. I remember when I started my very first character(Orc warrior) I had to pick up these catcus fruits in the Valley of Trails, then Kaltunk the quest giver gave me a stack of 5 "fruits cooled with water" as reward. I felt so happy, I raised my arms along with my character.
As I was standing I saw a lv "skull" grunt with cracked teef, his shiny axe and spiked shoulder plates with a faded reddish color, like the soil itself. I said to myself "I want to be like him some day". I finally did after a long while when transmorgrify function was added to the game, by then my first character was long gone, and I made my Tauren paladin wore the orgrimmar grunt set until I afked for good in 2017.
I thought I can make a fine warrior at start, but the constant war and rivalry quickly wore me out. Them Razormane boar people were a tough bunch, one their big bosses drops a pair of bronze shoulder plates that looked pretty killer. Years later I'm much more comfortable being an independent peon who skins boars and mines copper and melt them into ingots, make some rolls of bandages with extra linen I got then put them into the aution house for 3-5 silver a stack, and they sold rather quick. Some of the goblins work there don''t happy to see me cause they got almost nothing in comission fee, always going on about "Owww I got mouths to feed pal!" Ack whatever, I'm too old for this kodo dung…
By the end of the day, I'd still sit by my cooking fire, eating some Mugore bread or some leftover seal milk from the WLK days, last time I had them they're described as "thick and sweet", I hope they didn't turn into seal milk cheese or I'll have to break open one of those blood elven wine then head all the way to Silvermoon just for some fresh green grapes what a fuss, I just want to watch the firery sunset slowly turns to starry night again…
Thanks for doing this Meisio 😀
great memories, thank you 😊
Lok'tar Ogar!
Man I love those ambiance soundtracks
Thank you for all the hard work
The force is strong with this song. I remember, 12 years old, creating my first troll mage.
Lok'tar Ogar your friendly neighbourhood Orc here
Amazing. Simply amazing
Cataclysm did a lot of stuff wrong, but the music is amazing. Thank you for making this! I spent a lot of time as a kid wandering Durotar as orcs and trolls, and this music brings back a ton of memories. I play on a vanilla server now, but sometimes I still miss the updated Durotar music. Thanks again!
thanks for all your hard work Meisio , much appreciated , gives a lot of nostalgia listening back to these even though i hung up the game a while ago. cheers from europe.
The music that plays at 7:05, for some reason I was unable to find it whatsoever in many hours of listening to the WoW OST or trying to look it up, I think the one that people usually upload is the one that sounds quite similar except without these… drums? It's a delight to hear it again, it's like that one song that you remember a few lyrics or a motif but can't quite find.
Relaxing 🙂
One thing I really appreciate about Cataclysm-revamped zones is that they have new music alongside old music, such that videos covering the revamped zones will end up having a wider variety of themes.
Durotars soundtrack is so simple and pleasing to the ear
Meisio is a literal GOD
Feels like home.
Love this plains theme! Thanks for another video 🙂
Очень круто
Is there copyright if i utilize this for a toy review video?
What made WOW was the music… It whispers directly into my soul. Played this in college when it first came out, kept playing for 15 years, now many years later working at a corporate office watching the world and financial markets in turmoil, WOW music is one of the few things that calms me down. I miss WOW.
A game that cannot be forgotten.
Really weird feeling that you can see the world tree behing Orgri