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World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9.2.5 & 9.2.7 Shadowlands Eternity’s End Season 4 healing discussion video. I talk about the changes in healing requirements for Season 4 dungeons when compared to Season 3.
I talk about my hopes and expectations when it comes to dungeon turning in the next expansion Dragonflight!
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00:00 What Healing Should Be?
00:47 Healing in Season 3
02:58 Healing in Season 4
05:54 Summary & Dragonflight Expectations
Patch 9.2 World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion.
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Switched off healer at the start of S3 and now I'm back to healing for S4. For sure this is how it should be. Can you release a holy priest guide please
I play healer to heal so…. I m happy ! I hate the fact that I have to play a top dps healer to perform in mm+
stop hyping me :p !
shadowland is garbage for a healer overall i feel maybe its just me
Love it! I finaly feel like I am doing something usefull: Healing.
I main healer and i do dps constantly ..but i hate when others healers does 0 damage .. it makes me angry as fuck
I like the acutal Season. Now i can do what i want to do . HEAL!! I really like how it is now. Pump HPS is why i play Heal. Otherwise i could go back to DPS. It is ok for me that there are some Phases where i can do a bit DPS. But mainly i want to Heal
I've certainly noticed that my value as a prot pally has gone way up this season. There'd be some pulls, like in the train part of Grimrail where I'm doing like 10-15k hps along with the healer. On my priest, I'm torn between kyrian and night fae atm but I like having that internal conflict to figure out what's better where.
In Dragonflight, I think that healing activity should buff the damage you do in downtime. With holy paladin, the damage you do is actually part of triaging damage since you need the holy power but holy light infusion procs won't get priority over crusader strike even if incoming damage is slow enough so ranged hpal will never be a thing. However, if casting holy light buffed the damage of your next holy shock or judgment then that's a different story. For monk, you could buff the next spinning crane kick from essence font ticks stacking like disc atonement empowers penance. Actually, let's give mistweaver a second aoe spell: "Snake Tea: Throws a ricocheting tea cup dealing X physical damage to 8 targets and applies a nature dot to each for Y damage over 12 seconds. Gain Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting increasing the damage of your next spinning crane kick by 10% for each target with Snake Tea."
I quitted healing in S3 because I felt useless, not that I don't like doing DPS, but I just felt like a weaker DPS.
Loving the extra healing required, really enjoying the patch as a healer
❤Only for fans over 18 year⤵️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine empr.ONLINE Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wennn ich 4 wählen würde
i hate AND do not feel like a healer when i need to dps so much! I love healing, not dps'ing …
Season 4, is what i prefer for sure. Not only bosses need to be hard, also trash, otherwise you would run into tyrannical/fortified discrepancies
I think you‘re wrong… after 3 seasons of the same dungeons people slowly start to know what hurts and use their cds well. Going back to overtuned kara and on the train 🚂 people get random damage and need 3 more seasons to learn what hurts them and what to interrupt. Playing with my 5 man premates makes me also timing 18+ with low hps but in pugs I feel like mythic raid healer.
I agree 100%. I remember back in wotlk. We were in Azjol Nerub and we pulled the whole trash together with Hadronox and I was somehow able to heal through the damage and it felt so satisfying. So yeah i think they should put more emphasis on healing then dps-ing as a healer.
As a healer, I realy prefere having to do high HPS. I choosed to heal cause it's what I like to do. In adition to that, DPSing as a healer is not fun at all. Spamming 2-3 spells isn't fun at all (assuming we don't have covenant spell, wich is for some healer just one more button to press).
Healer is a Healer!!!I play fronte 2004 and i am a HEALER with all my pg! If i want make dps i roll a lock or mage or somthing like that. It's correctly healer made control,stun or other but no too much dps. The same i said for tank/healer DK heal more than healers….
♥️𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗽𝗼𝗿𝗻 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆❤️ Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Brünette und eine andere Blondine. Es wäre unfairf, wenn ich 4 wählen würde
Ima be honest, not having to heal a tank that much if there good is a good thing, dps not so much, mainly becuse playing a self healing tank such as vdh or bdk the having to have a healer spam heals into you just feels so so so so so so so bad, the point of your spec feels useless,
Healing is as best when you're job is to keep everyone at around 70% health with no risk of them being one-shot by anything that wasn't designed to always one-shot.
To heal as effectively as possible.
Alles sehr schön. Aber zuerst zusammen die Nummern 10 und 1. Eine Brünette und eine anderel Blondine. Es wäre unfair, wenn ich 4 wählen würde
heavy healing requirements are good as long as it isn't spam heals or people are one shot.
I've played since vanilla, and though playing prot warr initially, I switched to hpala for ICC… and got completely hooked. So I started playing healer in an environment where mana efficiency was not trivial (although wotlk hpala was a chapter of its own in terms of mana, but that's neither here nor there). General Vezax or w/e his name is, for instance. And I've been a "HPS healer" ever since. Last season of BFA, I went into +24 tyrannical Sethraliss as a resto druid… and on the lightning boss, I finished off with 83 stacks of the debuff and 73% mana. Dem HEALZ BOIII. Not that corruptions were balanced at all, but doing actual healing is really fun.
The "DPS healer" meta has always been super boring to me, and just makes me feel like a gimped dps. Bring actual healing requirements back to the healing class (like they've started to now)!!
I advocade to make it more healing so you can really be a good healer. As being a good healer should be how you time cds and heals and not how much DPS you do as it was always fucked up to be a disc priest that heals trough dmg but makes the least dmg of all healers….
Season four has been way more fun there should be heavy heealer checks every once in a while, I think upper might be too extreme but things like lower or junkyard hit the sweet spot for me.
yes.. hate healer dps meta
I liked healing in season 1 and 3 until they forced the paladin to play the Necro build and Kyrian was far away in s3.
I didn't do much content in S1 and S2 ( even didn't get KSM) but in S3 I switched to ele shammy and was great ( until the group and tank knows how to setup packs ), once I got KSM ( don't have time to push to KSH – I changed to holy priest ( instead of paladin) and with the Kyrian build you could even top DPS packs because of broken ( a bit 🤣) Kyrian skill.
For me holy priest in previous expansions was quite boring, but now the gameplay got changed in positive way. You still need to think what to use or decide if you should dps – I switched, don't remember when exactly but in the 3/4 of season. I didn't play in this season yet but looks like it finally can be challenging and rewarding.
We'll see 😉
With this next weekend nerfs, a lot of the hps is gone… They nerfed where i was burning all my mana
I prefer s4 healing. I never did kara in legion. And i finally did upper kara an hour ago or so. At +13 it finally felt good to play a dungeon where i had moments i needed to heal. Most of it was heal a bit then mostly dps but the healing check moments like medivh were amazing. I'm a healer not an enhancer. Let me have my time to shine in a dungeon. No more zug zug pew pew. Give me more kara style dungeons
I think this video is on point.
Is okey for healers to do damage… thats something good and hopefully it stays.
But a healer job should be to Heal first.. and to do damage later, only if there is nothing else to do.
And for those who like healing through damage, there are already specs that more or less do that.
I like having to heal more in dungions but plz mack sure all healers can do it comfortably like rn disc is kinda just strogling cos of all the atonment nerfs thro out bfa
Ive been loving my resto druid so far this season! Still try to dps as much as i can, but feels good to feel like a healer again and pump some hps numbers when needed ❤ working on hitting 2100, and figuring out which alt to play next!
Healers are healers, i dont want to spend time dps'ing and not doing my healing is useless, so why have healers S4 i like
I play a healer so that I can heal. If I wanted to dps I would roll a dps class
Needed to happen. In S3 there was tanks+4dps doing +20s….which is tells you there is a healer problem.
I like it, there's some pulls and bosses where I go oom so it's exposing some healing efficiency I need to work on, which was not appearant in SL at all. I even opted to swap out some haste for mastery and vers on my hpriest and it's been really nice. Shrouded makes haste go into heavy diminishing very quickly anyhow.
Yeah more of this, heavy healing checks and "healer problems"
Healers must heal. I find it dumb to play my holy paladin with a dps covenant and a dps general setup – trinkets, talents, stats, etc. If I want to dps, I play my dps alts.
About 15 years ago I used to play shockadin and I was destroying everything in 1v1 arena – even 2 vs 1. Even if it was fun, I don't find it correct so I stopped playing it before the official changes to the class.
Forcing us in S3 to play some sort of shockadin was a bad decision and I didn't actually play my pally in S3 because of this.
As a healer i would like to focus more on healing then dps
I like healing as a healer too and i think it has big advantages for blizzard in balancing specs. Atm they have to balance healing as well as dmg, if healers focus on healing more it's not as necessary to have the same dps output on all of them, so theres only one aspect to get right. Also, there would be the chance to let disc priest shine as dps healer much more so it can fulfill its spec fantasy.
Besides that: dmg as a healer is fun for downtimes, but working hard for a whole dungeon just to do a fracture of everyone elses dmg feels like you're just there because u have to while noone actually cares.
I know gamedesigners love the idea of "everyone can do everything and every class/spec has to be action gameplay" but i dont think thats what we play wow for. Keeping specs and roles different makes the game more diverse and interesting.
im liking s4 a lot. favorite season all of SL
i like the idea that a healer HEALS. healers that dps, i have issues with. healers should heal and they deserve a healing challenge vs a weaker dps
I’m having a blast in s4. The only one downside imo is whenever you got this healing checks with unavoidable damage and any mechanic to avoid doing high keys with pugs becomes extremely hard as pugs tend to sometimes eat every frontal and when you got big heal check on top it just becomes hard if u MW for example and don’t have any damage reduction for that one person that eats frontals
S4 is by far better, consistent hps pump and the great healers are able to balance healing and damage. I enjoy it.
I’m doing 20’s and higher right now and have to hover at about 10k depending the week (this week fortified) and 16-20k hps on some bosses while averaging 4.5k -6k depending on dungeon/ group comp (dr’s , bops, etc)
If we are switching to a more healing centric meta. For resto shaman would Jonats Natural Focus be more appealing? Would it pair nicely with the 4 set increase of chain heal?
IMO the time when healing was the most balanced was at the start of cataclym, healing spells were healing small amounts of hp and costed so much mana that you realy had to decide when to heal and what spell to use, also the dmg skills used mana so you had to decide to waste mana on dps or just chill and wait to heal. Blizzard should just double players HP and decrease the healing output so we can use our time to decide who and how we heal without worrying that someone is going to get 1shot and having to keep everyone topped off.
I think this is the way it should be. Hated the last few seasons where it was all about healer dps and I refuse to cat dps as resto druid.