Shadowlands 9.1.5 TLDR What I'm MOST Excited About

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Shadowlands 9.1.5 TLDR What I’m MOST Excited About


22 thoughts on “Shadowlands 9.1.5 TLDR What I'm MOST Excited About”

  1. They are taking Baby Steps in the right direction, but seems like ships have sailed. If these small changes and others would have taken place maybe Blizzard could have prevented the mass exodus. In light of it, they do have a whirlwind going through their cubicles, so maybe it is enough to catch people's attention.

  2. Usually it takes about a year and a half for them to drop the ego and announce decent changes for the X.2 or X.3 patch – i think this – X.1.5, is the earliest 'ok we'll drop the ego and stop being dickheads now' we've had since maybe WoTLK with ulduar or MoP with throne of thunder

  3. Great looking at the gear gap but They really need to look as the amount of honor requirement or the rate it’s earned at too, it costs ridiculous amounts to upgrade so you are still forced to be useless for ages. I think they should do the following:
    Increase honor cap 4x
    Increase honor earned 3x
    Make honor transferable to Alts like they have done with soul ash, or you can buy a pice of gear and send it to an alt like the korthian armaments with Stygia

  4. I feel like they could have just scrapped the ranks in pvp gear and just made rating or upgrades tied to cosmetic rewards. Will be interesting to see how big the gap is between higher and lower rated gear on the PTR. Either way, i suppose its a move in the right direction.

  5. They needed to start with this… not now.. cus we already leveled alts already went through the grind with renown and covenants… and they change it now.. rofl


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