Thenia Pet Battle Guide – Shadowlands

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This video is a pet battle guide showing you how to beat Thenia located in Bastion in the shadowlands co ordinates 55/56.

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30 thoughts on “Thenia Pet Battle Guide – Shadowlands”

  1. Thanks man. I did it a little different though.
    I had Lil' Bling still lv 1, so replaced him with Celestial Dragon with Flamethrower/Arcane Storm & Moonfire.
    Once the Nexus Whelpling was switched out, I used Moonfire -> Arcane Storm and Flamethrower until it was dead.
    Next was Flamethrower and Arcane Storm when off cooldown and he killed the 2nd one too.
    After my Celestial Dragon was dead, I used Nexus Whelpling with Mana Surge and in the 2nd round the 3rd pet was dead.
    I did not even use my Anubisath Idol.

  2. I actually got stunned, but decided to continue with the Nexus whelp. It solod the first two pets, then when the third beast came out and the whelp died I brought out lil bling, used defensive plating then inflation, win. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. As usual this was a huge help. I didn't have a level 25 lil bling so i used Clockwork gnome. I had Nexus whelpling get stunned on the first hit but just kept going. Arcane storm, Mana Surge, Frost Breath, Arcane Storm then Frost breath Killed Glimmerfy, 1 more arcane storm on Peachick then clock work gnome, just spam rocket, Anubisath idol finished off Grazer using your technique ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. you know i can't remember the setup and i come here every time, i wish i could like the video every time i watch it, cheers mate all your setups worked flawlessly ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I used Iron Starlette (wind up x2 and powerball finisher) to take out the first 2 and half the health of the 3rd then finished with Lil' Bling (Extra Plating and Launch Rocket..might need inflation as a finisher)


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