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This video is a pet battle guide showing you how to beat Thenia located in Bastion in the shadowlands co ordinates 55/56.
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Great job…thx for that, worked like a charm
Thanks man. I did it a little different though.
I had Lil' Bling still lv 1, so replaced him with Celestial Dragon with Flamethrower/Arcane Storm & Moonfire.
Once the Nexus Whelpling was switched out, I used Moonfire -> Arcane Storm and Flamethrower until it was dead.
Next was Flamethrower and Arcane Storm when off cooldown and he killed the 2nd one too.
After my Celestial Dragon was dead, I used Nexus Whelpling with Mana Surge and in the 2nd round the 3rd pet was dead.
I did not even use my Anubisath Idol.
worked great
If you don't have Nexus Whelpling, use Stormborne ๐
Worked like a bom – thank you
Thanks man
I actually got stunned, but decided to continue with the Nexus whelp. It solod the first two pets, then when the third beast came out and the whelp died I brought out lil bling, used defensive plating then inflation, win. ๐
You can use Coilfang Stalker/IronStarlette/Mana Wyrmling (in that order) with surge power/mana surge and windup supercharge
Use Nexus Whelpling, Stormborne Whelpling, Anubisath Idot – keep up Arcane and mana surge them to death .. I usually dont even get to my 3rd pet
Thanks again ๐
As usual this was a huge help. I didn't have a level 25 lil bling so i used Clockwork gnome. I had Nexus whelpling get stunned on the first hit but just kept going. Arcane storm, Mana Surge, Frost Breath, Arcane Storm then Frost breath Killed Glimmerfy, 1 more arcane storm on Peachick then clock work gnome, just spam rocket, Anubisath idol finished off Grazer using your technique ๐
Chrominius, Pandaren Dragonling, and Phoenix Hatchling works well too.
Nice job again thank You!
TY another great vid xx
Exactly as shown, as usual. Thanks GGG!
Today, that Golden Grazer, the last pet, owned my Anubisath Idol… like one shot! But my Nexus Whelpling was still able to take care of it and finish the fight.
Nicely Done ๐
I always use level ones. Fights are over quicker ๐ thanks, I had a bit of these as level ones from the AH
Perfect!!! Thanks
Thank you for the video I was able to use Lil' Tarecgosa, Lil' Bling and Thunder Serpent Hatchling using – First – Call Lighting then used Lift-off and just spammed Breath.
not sure i would call that stun "rare." when i tried the fight, i was stunned every time for 6 fights in a row
worked perfectly, ty
Servant of Demidos, lil bling…
you know i can't remember the setup and i come here every time, i wish i could like the video every time i watch it, cheers mate all your setups worked flawlessly ๐
I used Iron Starlette (wind up x2 and powerball finisher) to take out the first 2 and half the health of the 3rd then finished with Lil' Bling (Extra Plating and Launch Rocket..might need inflation as a finisher)
cool, Nexus did the whole job, Bling finished it. The third pet did not even enter the fight lol
I have said it before but say it again, thank you for this videos, you are the best. ๐
this one sucked ggg
Excellent strat. I stopped playing for 5 years and forgot everything. This is the first battle where the video worked in game like advertised.