A BATTLE ROYALE game mode in World of Warcraft?!

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Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today I want to take a look at a new game mode that is currently in development by Project Ascension – a new take on the Battle Royale genre in World of Warcraft!

In this video I give you guys a bit of a sneak-peak at their progress on this new game mode by Project Ascension and we talk about it, explore what it might be like when its finished and what their design intentions are, and talk about the Battle Royale genre. Let me know in the comments what you think of this idea!


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🗡️ Project Ascension – World of Warcraft
⚔️ PLAY HERE: ascension.gg

🎵 Music🎵
DJ Nautilus – WoW Remix – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=369emX5hYSQ&t=27s
OSRS Remixes – OSRSBeatz – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs1rnF_c_VSg74M5CQ-HKWg

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49 thoughts on “A BATTLE ROYALE game mode in World of Warcraft?!”

  1. just going to put this here but they should copy angel arena. if you have played it and dont like it then you dont like PvP. how it worked was you had 2-4 sides (based on the map you played) and a lot of mobs in an open map that you farmed for gold and mates to lvl and upgrade you toon and items( there was an upgrade system for your race to but..) a timer would count down for the PvP matchs team, 1v1 or 2v2 and so on( you could also PvP in the open map) winners of the match got a short buff and points for their team

  2. Thats a great idea – lets take ARMA game for example – dayz, pubg etc , all originated from it . Modding games to fit crowd needs is awesome as it gives a refreshing look on a game that can be boring after couple of years playing . Ascension is doing a good job , they listen and have good ideas!

  3. I would suggest that in addition to gear, you should also loot ability books/cards.

    You would maybe choose a couple skills to begin with, prior to entering. But i think the rest should be draft-skillbooks.

    What if race mattered tou say? Then everyone will go night elf in this mode xD

  4. Battle Royals died becuase they were all the same thing. Seeing the scoped sniper reminded me of what they all were. Wow classes would be so different and very unique. I'm so keen for it.

  5. Hello Mc because you got experience from pservers tell me more about the current state of ascension I used to play there a couple of years ago. When I used to play it was 2 servers one normal and one draft still the same? Which one is more populated and better choice for pvp? Tyvm

  6. As someone that really doesn't care about BR's and actually feels it's a cheap and very boring way to play a game…
    This concerns me greatly for the future of regular ascension. IT's already bleeding players because it's once again the same old same old.
    And I know there is a minor contradiction in that statement, but I really rather them flesh out draft/any future version and focus on a52 content.
    Instead that's all left on the backburner in favour for this already not-so-hype gamemode.

  7. About 3 years ago, PUBG had an amazing fantasy-inspired BR spinoff game mode where each squad had 4 members with one of each of several classes (Barbarian, Ranger, Mage, Paladin). Was a really fun mode especially when 2 full teams went head to head. The teamfights played out kind of like in a MOBA.

  8. I WAS JUST TALKING WITH MY COUSIN ABOUT THAT GAME MODE! Did not know that it was already planned we were just saying it would be great and realively easy to do since all assets are already there and just need to get set at the right place!

  9. watch thiss explode and become a thing in every mmo.

    It has with PUBG revolutionizing is along H1/Z1. Every fps now has the battle royal mode (atleast, every major FPS. Minus CS:GO)

    NGL, a battle royale in an mmo sounds hella good.

  10. I don't know what to think about the Ascension devs… On one hand, their ideas are great… but on the other hand, they are working on way too many things at the same time…
    If they can make it all work, then wouldn't it be more viable to make their own game instead of fiddling around with the buggy fan made tools and a 15 year old client?

  11. I would love WoW without the “Wo”. Instead of an open world, a lobby to choose a class / spec and team up with friends. Just keep the combat system, load in and fight. No professions, leveling, gear, etc. just get to spend your time playing pvp combat. Where do I sign up for that idea?


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