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Check our Shadowlands Enhancement Shaman guide so you can learn about the shadowlands enhance shaman talents, legendaries, covenant, rotation and a lot more useful info to get you going in both dungeons and raiding. The spec always acted as an underdog in most of the expansions but in the right hands and played properly, it can deliver better than your average meta spec! Our Shadowlands Enhance shaman guide focuses on the basics with a dab of in-depth info but it’s ideal if you just picked up the spec or thinking about it. For more advanced info, there are great links down below! Keep close to Marcelian Online, best place for shadowlands class guides :*
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Great video guys as aaaaalways…hey stupid question…why chain harvest as specifically 8 stacks of Maelstrom weapon? New to enhance…thanks!
Its not good in 2s
Ayy thanks broskis, ill reroll shaman for the time being, DH feels just bad atm… Great guide!
I love this spec but I just wish it had some defensives for Arena, feels like my comp options are super limited.
i feel like shaman is an all round great class especially enhancement you hardly ever see a raid without a shaman in it and that is for a reason
Could you do a guide on marksmanship hunter? I'm coming from BM Hunter really could use the help! Nice videos man!
Personally runnin Elemental Blast with Wolf Bones' legendary and ignoring Hailstorm entirely, even for dungeons, as the aoe gain is minimal from the benefit gained on bosses/smoothness of rotation. Works well enough, and I feel with – how clunky Hailstorm can get, is more beneficial overall.
Elemental shaman next please!!
I know it sims much worse, but I still got the witchcraft/stormstrike legy. Spamming stormstike just feels awesome so much lightning on my screen. Hope it gets a little buff. Maybe getting the stormstike buff on all stormstrikes or at least 10% more on the proc ones
Yes there back
plz moonkin plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Noooo it's against enhance code to tell anyone enhance is good!!!! Shhhh we suck
Doom Winds are back. Proud Thrall noises
Elemental blast, stormflurry, elemental assult, sundering, elemental spirits, witch doctors bones. Best build
Shaman is my main this expansion, normally play ele or enh but having a viable and fun off spec is amazing!
Monk main alt, so having a lot of fun with these melee!
I am not sure if should keep spamming stormstrike/wind sear during Aszendence + doom winds burst phase even with capped maelstrom weapons. Like what's more dps, keep proccing wf weapon with melee abilities even tho i am capped or pressing lightning bolt to use up some maelstrom weapon and triggering gdc which means less stormstrikes/wind sears?
When you are Venthyr, Crit is way better than Vers because of the reduced cd when critting with the Venthyr Ability
I got doom winds from the first run of the kyrian level 60 dungeon on my shaman.
I don't even have enough money to buy the 5 enchanted leather and missives yet lmao I haven't even went to torghast on this character.
I love shadowlands
Can we get a outlaw rouge guide?:) the pirate king is back
I must say, without I doubt I think enhancement shaman is the worst made spec in the entirety of the game. No doubt it needed to change from its BFA rendition, but this just ain't it chief. Bit dramatic mayhaps, but not only did they mess with my favorite class, but if this playstyle sticks, I just cannot see myself playing it again. There is a difference between having a spec be complex, hard to master (Think feral with bloodtalons, although admittedly I never found it particurarly difficult) and then a spec that is only "difficult" because it's clunky, random and doesn't make sense.
Maybe, just maybe the spec would function if the spec had a more consistent flow of maelstrom weapons, instead of being starved one second and having too many the other, as well as having 1-2 extra buttons to press. Likewise I don't think it feels particurarly good having frost shock and flame shock sharing a cooldown, especially since in aoe/cleave settings the downtime would be allievated by allowing us to more easily spread flame shocks from target to target. Although then again, aoe is one of those situations where the downtime generally is very low.
But of course, this is only my opinion. Lots of people love the spec, and that's great and all. But having to abandon both feral and shaman after years of BFA, it felt a bit sour. Currently not subbed to the game because of it. Maybe one day the spec clicks with me. Maybe it just needs some adjustments. We'll see.
Question: do you still very squishy as enhance in open world and Torghast?
My favorite spec for Shaman can’t wait to re subscribe to wow this week!
It's hard to judge if enhance is op, burst is insane, self healing is insane, mobility is insane. Very little damage mitigation, damage outside of burst is quite low. My fear is blizzard nerfing enhance's burst and sending it back to the stoneage
Would you recommend it for pvp? How about doom winds over the earth shield legendary?
Ench shaman will fall a lot behind other classes, in BFA this is kind of what happened, we start strong we fall off hard. And if you do a lot of raid you already start to feel it. Hunters, dk's . priest even slowly warriors now starts to get above us on pretty much all scenarios. Doom winds is nice since it controls the bad RNG shaman had to deal with for years but controlling your output every 1m where other classes do so at all time is meh. Shaman Ench needs 2 weapons, shaman Ench is proc dependent so much that in torghast if you can't get those resets the assassin around level 7 murder you. Shaman are fun because most of us have the Windfury nostalgia from classic where you could one shot people because windfury was doing a lot on a 2h weapon. Now it's gone. I am trying to hard to make Ench fun but in shadowland , even with the healthy changes blizz made it's still not enough and I clearly see myself wasting time on my character. getting top damage on a pack in dungeon because i used doom wind while other literally match you without using anything is the proof Blizzard don't want to make shaman stand out more than this. We are like the 15th dps dealers for like 10 expansion straight. I am gonna reroll to a DK because even with a 195Ilvl shaman you seems like your doing shit compared to others that has more controls over their kits. It's a matters of time before people starts to be picky and this means you will have a hard time finding a group needed to push your Ilvl forward the softcap
Too bad the class gets fucked every xpac.
It's better after this last patch, but to say it's good is a little over the top.
What do you think of wind rush totems for raid? Or is that the job for resto shaman? Lol
The enchant for pure single target in the offhand is sinful revelation, wich increase the damage your target takes by 6% for 10 seconds and oh boy, those 6% are glory made debuff
I haven't touched my Enhance shammy since about 3 weeks after BFA went live. Think its time to dust him off and see what kinda trouble he can cause in the shadowlands. Thanks it looks like enhance will be a fun spec to play again.