A brief summary of LGBT representation in World of Warcraft

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In this video I will be going over a summary of LGBT representation in WoW. While I didn’t mention EVERY instance of LGBT representation in game I feel I talked about the highlights. If you have any suggestions on what the next video should be please let me know in the comment section!

FairShaw fanart source: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/fairshaw–4011087158526078/

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19 thoughts on “A brief summary of LGBT representation in World of Warcraft”

  1. yoo. it’s gay time :3
    A tip I can use is that it can be less clunky, faster, and more inclusive to say “queer” instead of LGBTQ+ every time. Queer is a catch all term that can apply to anyone under that umbrella. Whatever you want to do is fine tho. They both work.
    it’s cool that they included a trans masc character because the vast majority of representation (and to be fair most trans people) or trans fem characters.
    I’ve also heard many trans people uses MMOs, particularly WoW as part of their trans journey, so it’s cool that it’s a pretty accepting place.

    Anyways constructive criticism time. Your script reading could use a little work. at times it felt more like reading a script for a school project than something you were interested in (if you need a specific example the last 30 seconds works). You also stumbled over your words a few times and decided to not redo the take. if you want a more polished product I recommend redoing bad takes, trying something to make yourself sound more enthused about it (how will depend on you), and most importantly just practice. You can try all you want, but ultimately it’s mostly just practice.

  2. The game is called World of WARcraft… I don't mind gay or trans characters in video games when they are smartly written and not just obviously there to get that sweet ESG money like so in Dragonflight. Instead of helping two gay centars get a blessing to get married, how about said gay centars need you to kill a bunch of trolls that are messing up their garden or somthing lol idk.. I'm just sick of politics in video games and right now, everything LGBT is highly politicized.

  3. I only clicked on this video to post a comment. This is a stupid topic for a video. Who really cares about people that are in this community. I am appalled but the notion of accepting this shit. I hope you never get a lot of followers.

  4. I don't mind LGBTQ+ content as long as I'm not forced into it. I will say, however, that having a female character die and come back in a spiritual form as a male is actually an interesting concept. I don't know that it makes sense, but it is a lot better than hearing about a bunch of gay relationships that have no bearing on the story line or have nothing to do with our character. Now that I think about it, relationships are not really all that important in WoW. How many weddings have we been to in the story? How many quests did we complete in the name of love? Not that many. The game is ABOUT relationships, in terms of the goal being to join guilds and complete content with each other, but yet it does not have a lot of important relationships in it.

  5. As long as it's organic and they are not pretending that everyone is that way I have zero issue with it. It's when it feels forced is where I have the issue. Like if they took thrall and made a love story between him and Lor’themar out of the blue, I would be very annoyed at any situation similar to this.


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