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The fate of the Jailer actually revealed this time and yeah it is a pretty disappointing end to all this culmination.
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:

So far we’ve had the various bits and pieces but legit this time we actually know the ending to the Jailer’ storyline and what happens. There are legit datamined 9.2 conversations that speak of his defeat and yes that really is all, it is that simple.

This big super crazy mastermind Zovaal has been defeated by 9.2. Of course, we don’t know the full details on how it happens but yeah that is all there is to it and this entire Shadowlands storyline.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]


20 thoughts on “ACTUAL SHADOWLANDS ENDING REVEALED! – BIGGEST 9.2 Spoilers So Far!”

  1. So is sire denarthrius just forgotten? He was the only villain I actually wanted to take down and to figure out his motivation to betray everyone but it seems like he's been left behind.

  2. Guys I think it’s obvious what the helm will be used for. It’s a legendary helm that will be used to resist the jailers domination magic so the same thing doesn’t happen when he controlled the wills of everyone before and made them kneel allowing us to fight him.

    Pretty lame and shit to be honest but I’m positive this is what it’ll be used for

  3. So we somehow manage to destroy the (allegedly, but clearly not the most powerful since he died so easily) most powerful being in the universe, hm. Doesn't that make us the most powerful beings in the universe then?

  4. Jesus, they've made a lot of errors with the story, but especially everything from N'Zoth (worst thing they've ever done, and yes, this includes the sexual harassment) through this expansion is a horrible new low. They did the most boring and nonsensical things with Sylvannas, and they've done the most boring and nonsensical things with the jailor, who happens to be the most boring and nonsensical villain we've ever had. On top of this, they took the chance to remake and repurpose one of the most iconic items in the entire game, and instead they turn the helm of domination into this trash. If I got this as loot, I would uncheck "display helm." There are quest items that look better. I just can't anymore. I've stopped playing the game a long time ago, but even keeping up with the changes just makes me fucking depressed.

  5. I don't consider anything after Legion as canon, so everything produced beyond that is inconsequential in my mind. I fully intend to go to Chromie and say, let's just stay here. I don't have much hope for the next expansion given Blizzard with have less talent and less money. I hope for another continent with new factions to war with, new lands to explore and territory to settle. It would be great if they make guilds relevant again and PvP by having Guild v Guild on customized pirate-like galleon ships. And have a customized wagon pulled by various steeds for a mount where you can hold your belongings and camp out while working on your blacksmithing or other professions. Bring back night and day, and have there be different creatures abound depending on the time. Player housing, maybe, if it's done right, like without making me have to break rocks for 15 hours for a door knob. Keep it in perspective of what the real game is. Bring back some of the cooler aspects of the game that players enjoyed (like Class Halls and legendary weaponry) and loot that excites us, not some vendor trash quest givers find in their couch cushions. And I don't care for shit that's "cosmetic". I want loot that actually improves my character, quests that may offer a cause and effect, choices that need to be made, and a story line that makes our characters the hero of the day.


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