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With content begin update so regularly, I wanted to make a video that can’t be outdated after 24 hours of being posted. In this video I wanted to breakdown my UI for those who have asked me about it, and give you suggestions on what addons can help tank players fit into their role.
I go over a few addons that I find crucial to my success as a tank player and give some insight on why my UI is the way it is… Ugly.
Addon List:
1. OmniCD
2. SunnArt – View Port
3. Bartender
4. Details
5. ThreatPlates (or NeatPlates)
6. WeakAuras (you’ll have to find packages on
Let me know if you have questions; and No, I’m not going to upload my UI profile.
Great breakdown, always interesting hearing the differences between what players prioritize.
Personally I just use naowh’s ui because it’s constantly updated and a community works on it. Feels like a fool proof method to stay up to date
Threat plates at least for me shows like every mob in the vicinity and makes it kind of hard to target what you want to attack. Do you know of a setting that changes that?
Wow that sun art addon is trippy can see how it would be usefull tanking tho
Sha, great vid as always! I like how so many people have so many set-ups but like you say, everyone should use what works for them or what they're used to. Thank you!
what is your map addon ?
No this was awesome actual functional ui instead of just looking pretty love it, i will be looking into omni cc and kick trackers.
Very nice and some things I hadn't thought about for my own.
One thing I'd change is the top left WA I'd switch to hide during combat or limit what is shown during combat if there are procs in there. By the time you are fighting its to late to change what you bring in anyway.
Alright, here I come Sha.
Great video actually. Straight to the point and good delivery! Love the title and love that you're embracing the fact that your UI is actually ugly as fuck, but like you said whatever works for you is the important thing and you've shown that this UI does work for you. Idk about you, but I'm also tracking the CDs by the party frame, but 90% of the time I end up just not really utilizing that properly. I used to track only my healer's CD when tanking on my warrior (like Ironbark or Pain Sup) – maybe 1-2 at most in a very obvious fashion (close to my own health and bigger icon).
I think I'm going back to that, because I felt it was much easier to keep track of this way. I've started using Plater for the nameplates. It's super customizable, so idk if that might be something that suit your need. Plus you can install mod to the addon, so it's really in-depth.
Why the duplicate health bar? You have like your portrait UF right beside the WA. I'm just wondering 😛 I also feel like the WA for the keystone must be pretty memory intensive. The panel thing you had explained to me before, but I just can't stand having a huge black bar on the bottom of my screen unfortunately. Maybe one day I'll convert…who knows.
Keep the good work!
I don’t know what people are talking about, that Ui is very neat and I’ll be copying some of it lol
Great to see another tanks pov of their UI and how it works for them, cheers!
Ultimately in regards to a UI, all that matters is that it works for the person. Whether it's ugly or minimal it doesn't matter, if the person using it is comfortable with it and can use it to its full extent, then it's a good UI.
Hi Sha, i really like your simply WA with those defensives, rage and health. Anyway you could share the profile so i could import it myself?
I just can’t get in to Elviui, does that hinder my performance at all?
Can you send me a Link of your WeakAura? I can´t find them
I just hit the 200 like number👍 great guide
Hey. Thanks for nice guide about addons. Whats the name of kick tracker addon? nothing similar on Curseforge.
Does Omni work with e.g ElvUi?
Crucial question: How do you move the boss frames without using the cpu draining moveanything addon!?
hello excelent video you IU pls?
Great explanations for the why behind each addon. Thank you!
On the bottom right you have your stats and it looks like a key/cast tracker. What do you use for those two?
I won't lie to you, your UI is fugly. Ugly but with an a F lol. I always gravitate to a very minimal UI. So on my prot warrior I hide all my buttons, and work only off of weak auras. I didn't know about omni cd so I downloaded that.
Is there a addon that helps with tank rotation?