Adorn your Warband with the latest mog, mounts, and more with Season One rewards! September 11, 2024 by World of Warcraft Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ source
Of all the sets to put front and centre in the very first shot, you chose paladin? My brothers in the Light, it's literally the worst looking set this tier! Reply
The way you nerfed delves 5 times over the last week kind of killed it for people, good job doing exactly what we all knew you couldn't resist doing…. Reply
Bechtelar Islands
WoW!) 👏🕷👍
The game was better without all these mounts and transmog, flying ruined the game
Recolors and overused models only , small indie company btw
The new mount is similar to the Tyranid from the Warhammer 40,000 board games.
So for this expansion is so good imo ❤
Pollich Hills
Of all the sets to put front and centre in the very first shot, you chose paladin? My brothers in the Light, it's literally the worst looking set this tier!
Keep going Blizzard, don't disappoint 🥺
Oh you know we getting that season 1 keystone master mount gang. You KNOW we getting that! 🔥
Anyone else getting Digimon vibes from the Sureki Skyrazor mount?
Going for the void dirigible
Not showing off the best looking set from the new raid, the ROGUE set.
Me gusta mucho esta expansión pero pobre la gente que hace PVP
Swift Glen
Murray Parks
Antoinette Dam
The way you nerfed delves 5 times over the last week kind of killed it for people, good job doing exactly what we all knew you couldn't resist doing….
Im not impressed, looks alittle boring
Arthas ❤ Jaina
Mount Look like 40k
Can we return to fantasy? We have had enough of the power rangers sets
Can someone explain what tier sets are?
Glad mount looks terrible…