Affliction Warlock Deathbolt "Oneshots" Is This Thing Really Nerfed? LMAO Shadowlands 9.2

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Affliction Warlock Deathbolt “Oneshots” Is This Thing Really Nerfed? LMAO Shadowlands 9.2

9.2 Patch Is Here! Affliction Warlock Deathbolt is Still “Oneshots” & Holy Priest Ressing In Arenas

Shadowlands 9.2 Eternitys End

259 iLvL Destruction / Affliction Warlock / Demonology

60 – BuaLock – Destruction Warlock / Affliction Warlock
60 – Thalesa – Holy Priest

#Warlock #EternitysEnd #Deathbolt

Realm: Sylvanas / Tarren Mill / Stormscale
Shadowlands 9.2

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Madness of the Azj’Aqir
Chaos Bolt Legendary Power
Cinders of the Azj’Aqir
Conflagrate Legendary Power
Decaying Soul Satchel
Soul Rot Legendary Power ( Night Fae )

Destro Lock PvP
Affi Lock PvP

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Less Than Three


7 thoughts on “Affliction Warlock Deathbolt "Oneshots" Is This Thing Really Nerfed? LMAO Shadowlands 9.2”

  1. something is off with deathbolt, im 2700cr in 2s on NA and it seems to have eaten a fat damage nerf in addition to the rework, deathbolt setups that normally hit people for 50-60k are hitting people for 3x 11k even if I get the fattest setup imagineable. The only redeeming factor is if they dispel all my dots the deathbolt can still kill them if I get it off. Still unsure how I feel about it over 3x UA in splay for 3s, especially into hunters and dh that just trade reverse/craven with every soul rot for free.


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