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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Love your vids man keep Up the great Work 🙂
druid frenzied nerf is awesome.
god i hope the nerf convoke. no reason 1 ability needs to do 80k damage in 2 seconds
Tip 1 for watching a dal video, turn u volume up by 50% 👍🏼
lets hope more changes because that little change is a joke
I wish you would do timestamps mate 😝 but quality content!
Guy at blizzard making these changes clearly mains DH and spends all his time playing DH/Rdruid in 2v2
they should have never nerfed deathknite .deathknite still needs love in shadowlands.
also why remove tankyness when tankyness is what players seem to favor. god damn it bobby i hate you. i cant wate for Microsoft deal to close and for bobby to be kicked to the curb .
Resto D getting buffed?? lol
finaly the fucking druids getting nerfed, and for resto druids they should go out of mana like any fucking healer by using dps spells… or u heal, or u help dps, they never run out of mana if u dont fight 10m in arena! it should be like old scholl, morph had mana cost , the thing here is how can a arms warrior touch a survival hunter or a resto druid in arenas? its impossible to beat survival hunter + resto druid in 2v2 as warrior! no matter what healer u have! the hunter need a nerf in the CC capacity he got, he haves to much survival already
Demon hunters:
Slurps on demon heals*
fucking warriors are the only class in the game that dosent have heals… yet they nerf the only thing that make warrior survive the one shot macros from any class in the game…. why not give us back the fucking second wind from MoP? or make our commanding shout be a buff rather then a stupid last stand HP buff? warriors , rogues and (hunters with talent aimed shot) was the only ones havinf healing afects in pvp! now every stupid dps class have a heal afect! they say warriors are OP but no one look at their classes that one shot , or have more then 3/4 stuns ….
so hunters are good for 9.2?
But enhacent healing is still encreased With the conduit so it is still higher Heals in 9.2 than in 9.1.5 right?
Where is the DH nerfs? 😂
Thank you my guy great video as always!!
U really need to do timestamps…..
Whats the party frame addon here ? its really nice
Warrior was a huge nerf! And they were never really broken in terms of damage but rather damage mitigation and control of a game. I'm curious to see how meta is changed cause of it.
How about no battle rez at all ever? Does blizzard realize that it pisses everyone off? Morons
What's the point at coming back when all classes are getting nerfed
Finally some drood and warriors nerf !