All Leveling Anniversary Bonuses Up To 27% More Exp For Alts In 9.1.5!- WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5

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14 thoughts on “All Leveling Anniversary Bonuses Up To 27% More Exp For Alts In 9.1.5!- WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5”

  1. What expansion should be the fastest to level through for someone (with heirlooms) that doesn't know the strats/have the patience of looking in guides for speedruns?

  2. Enhancing experience just means getting less at that level than what we used to get and so I turn XP OFF.
    WOW message board replies…….. WHO CARES JUST LEVEL UP the armor and weapons are better!

    SCREW YOU!!!!
    I want what I want and will play to get it. Screw off with your wet sock attitude to level up as fast as possible. SCREW YOU!

  3. Correction: The Pilgrim's Bounty Event only provides 10% Rep Gains but no experience gains. This is a massive mistake by me when researching events and I was under the impression, like the other holiday events, that this one gives bonus experience as well. You can still achieve the 37% experience gain with Anniversary Event + BFA Potion + BFA Faction Assault for the Zone, but I made a mistake in stating that Pilgrim's Bounty grants Experience. This one is on me, I apologize for any confusion. I have cut that part out and I deeply apologize for my mistake. This is my lesson of what happens when I am up until 8 AM working on a video and will work on fixing my sleep schedule so this doesn't happen again.

    I was very excited to share with my findings after testing all ways of gaining experience. I was surprised with Islands and Legion/BFA Assaults in particular and I hope many of you will use the leveling tips in the video to enhance your experience gain either way.

    Again, apologies and I hope you still enjoy the bonuses. Video is being renamed as a general leveling tips since it no longer fits the theme.

  4. my alts have been resting since Oct 1 when Hallow's End and DMF were active together, i buffed them and kept them offline the whole time, so far i leveled four alts from 30 to 50s by having a full hour of 62% exp, an hour of 52% exp and a constant 42% buff between War Mode, Anni, and aforementioned buffs, glorious. XD


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