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Woooo !!
What expansion should be the fastest to level through for someone (with heirlooms) that doesn't know the strats/have the patience of looking in guides for speedruns?
This is all nice but for me at least the level 60 boost ruins all the extra exp there giving us it takes the fun away from it but great video overall 👍
it is only 10% rep and not exp from pilgrim's bounty.
pilgrims bounty is only 10% rep
Damn that sucks I started leveling one last week
Creating an alt is the WORSE thing a player can do…..double treble quadruple the everlasting grind….
Forgot to mention warmode when questing!
Enhancing experience just means getting less at that level than what we used to get and so I turn XP OFF.
WOW message board replies…….. WHO CARES JUST LEVEL UP the armor and weapons are better!
I want what I want and will play to get it. Screw off with your wet sock attitude to level up as fast as possible. SCREW YOU!
Unless I’m doing something wrong the pilgrims is 10% rep NOT experience
As others have said… this is not an XP gain…
Correction: The Pilgrim's Bounty Event only provides 10% Rep Gains but no experience gains. This is a massive mistake by me when researching events and I was under the impression, like the other holiday events, that this one gives bonus experience as well. You can still achieve the 37% experience gain with Anniversary Event + BFA Potion + BFA Faction Assault for the Zone, but I made a mistake in stating that Pilgrim's Bounty grants Experience. This one is on me, I apologize for any confusion. I have cut that part out and I deeply apologize for my mistake. This is my lesson of what happens when I am up until 8 AM working on a video and will work on fixing my sleep schedule so this doesn't happen again.
I was very excited to share with my findings after testing all ways of gaining experience. I was surprised with Islands and Legion/BFA Assaults in particular and I hope many of you will use the leveling tips in the video to enhance your experience gain either way.
Again, apologies and I hope you still enjoy the bonuses. Video is being renamed as a general leveling tips since it no longer fits the theme.
my alts have been resting since Oct 1 when Hallow's End and DMF were active together, i buffed them and kept them offline the whole time, so far i leveled four alts from 30 to 50s by having a full hour of 62% exp, an hour of 52% exp and a constant 42% buff between War Mode, Anni, and aforementioned buffs, glorious. XD
How do you get the extra xp bonus for thanks giving? All it gave me was a rep booster.