All New Class Updates And Features Coming To Patch 9.2.5! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.2

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0:00 Intro
0:54 Major Class Changes
5:16 Cross-Faction Feature
6:48 More Catch-Up Benefits
7:42 Solo Shuffle And New PvP Arena
8:18 New Heritage Quests
8:54 9.2.5 Torghast Update
9:17 Leveling Party-Sync Improvements
9:46 Season 4 When?


18 thoughts on “All New Class Updates And Features Coming To Patch 9.2.5! – WoW: Shadowlands 9.2”

  1. I will miss faction identity and the war. It felt good to see alliance, kill them, start world pvp and big groups raiding cities. Now that we can group with them it feels less impactful. So many games are going “play any way you want “ which feels like nothing has significant identity

  2. As a PvPer all the way back to the vanilla days, it was always so nice to hunt down the opposing faction. But cross faction is absolutely needed with the state of the game currently. I'd honestly like to see random BG's, etc, with cross faction support. I mean, quicker que times, faster grinding, it's a plus in my book. I can get over the lore, the gameplay needs to be the priority for WoW now.

  3. as a love for BM hunter its like bringing a wet sock to a gun fight and hoping the people who are using the guns are button clickers and are slow….
    so am stay surv for time being

  4. Really hope unlocking cross faction comes with a short quest and cut scene of some sort. We all know there have been alliances throughout expansions, but… Factions have been enemies for so long that it would be nice to be able to change that pattern with some sort of playable content as well.

  5. Did blizzard change their mind about these updates? I'm not seeing any of these changes on the official update page. Can someone explain this please?

  6. Bonus armor of the removed demon armor should be made baseline as well, does not make sense that lock is completely removed by physical burst classes and their specs, this change also affects frost mages that usually played with locks. So whoever did those changes has not thought that out very well. People will just reroll and make pvp even more boring as it is. The gladiator trinket is allready a huge nerf for caster classes and was probably needed. There could be more buffs to alternate lock specs and dks, they are a bit underwhelming looking at arena representation, both 2s and 3s. And palying them i do not feel the power anymore basicly since the huge legion class redesign. Way too much abilities were removed that were used for survival. Maybe blizz still knows this and does this because both of these classes will become very strong in Dragonflight but i doubt it lmao


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