All Shadowlands Systems Explained | Covenants, Torghast, Legendaries, and More!

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For those of you confused or unsure about the numerous new systems and currencies coming in Shadowlands, I’ve included everything we know about them in this video!

Take a look at my other video on all the M+ changes coming in Shadowlands:

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0:00 Introduction
0:32 Leveling
1:45 Covenants
5:49 The Maw
7:22 Torghast
10:02 Legendaries
11:54 The Great Vault


7 thoughts on “All Shadowlands Systems Explained | Covenants, Torghast, Legendaries, and More!”

  1. you said torghast is inside the maw, does your eye of the jailor lvl affect that at all?? like can you still do torghast if youre 5/5 or should you do torghast before getting your eye lvl up (sorry havent looked much into SL)


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