ALL the 9.1.5 Spec & Balance Tuning Changes……ok no really where's the rest?

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Shadowlands 9.1.5 & Class Balance Tuning

While 9.1.5 brings out a lot of QoL Content unheard of for an X.X.5 Patch, it begs the question whether it actually forgot what X.X.5 Patches are usually focused on: Balance Tuning, Class Changes, Spec Reviews.

Today we go over the Spec and Class changes in 9.1.5 to see exactly how much, or how little, is going to change in the upcoming Patch.

00:00 9.1.5 Balance Tuning….missed opportunity?
02:11 Balance Tuning: Death Knight
04:20 Demon Hunter and Druid Changes
06:22 Mage and Hunter: Buffs for BM & Frost
08:32 Monk Changes: WW Nerfs? Dodged!
09:51 Paladin & Priest Tuning
11:32 Rogues: The Great Debate
12:48 Shaman: Little but Good
14:06 Warlock: Covenant Focus | Warrior: Arms AoE Buffs
16:05 Final Thoughts on these (f e w) changes

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34 thoughts on “ALL the 9.1.5 Spec & Balance Tuning Changes……ok no really where's the rest?”

  1. As a enhance shaman myself the fury and frost buff , even when the buffs are a good thing, felt like a spit in my face. Like come on, why dafuq are we getting ignored that hard? If you dont want to put work into it and fix the Hot Hands playstyle, atleast give us the lazy aura % Buff, problems from the spec would still be there but atleast something. Also we are one of the few specs who did not get anything mythic+ related, most of the specs which where better then us, are now even better. Meanwhile our hailstorm talent is capped at 6, our cleave has a small 180 radius and our burst is binded into a legy. The hole addon felt like blizzard telling us enhance players to reroll to Ele.

  2. just bums me out that they specifically said they wanted to address balancing of Covenants, Conduits, Legendaries and Talents. I thought that meant that all if not most classes/specs would get a look in. The only 'Major' change my class saw was a buff to one talent that probably still wont see play, for a spec i actively dont play.

  3. We got completely baited by their promise. The patch notes are a joke in regards to class changes. We know class designers aren't the ones designing fruit bowls so what the hell are they doing?

  4. Yeah so looks like im benching my ele and enhance for the rest of the expac, no tuning of enhance's aoe/cleave(but they uncap and dont even nerf WW??) when its already one of the weakest DPS in M+ which means its going to fall way further behind in 9.1.5 and no tuning or at least some balancing for its ST where youre reliant on complete RNG to do decent DPS. And then Ele still gets absolutely ZERO buffs, despite our ST being in desperate need of a buff or at least reverting the stupid, pointless lava burst nerf from back in Nathria. And the worst part about so many classes getting uncapped now is that its going to make Ele a lot less valuable in m+/AoE(yes, Eye of the Storm got uncapped but that doesnt really mean very much), right now literally the ONLY niche or thing that Ele is remotely good in is AoEing big packs(Its ST is abysmal even playing full single target build, and its downright atrocious playing the standard m+ build, literally worst 2 target spec in the game and one of the worst 3 target specs in the game as well). Whats going to be attractive about taking an Ele in 9.1.5 when specs with FAR, FAR superior single target and 2-3 target cleave are going to now be able to do similar or (in some cases) even better aoe than Ele? I mean its in as bad of a position as Enhance for m+ but a lot of specs are going to jump ahead of ele in m+ ranking and how attractive/valuable the spec is for m+(which was literally ele's only niche, and it still wasnt even good enough to be played in the MDI or great push outside of like….just Sanguine depths for a few teams). Its just baffling/non sensical how Blizzard uncaps/passively buffs things like WW but then doesnt uncap or tune things that will very obviously need it for 9.1.5. I mean whatever, its clear they still have no idea what theyre doing and are instead pretty much just doing their usual fallback which is to buff/favor their favorite specs to preform well(for the most part).

  5. After a decade (maybe even more) time spent playing enhance shaman (pausing and returning), I sincerely hope that this game will finally die. I am so fuckin sick of being neglected as a player and a customer. What am I even more sick of is people saying that ENHA IS OKAY.

  6. It's a very weird patch. About the longest wait ever for a 9.1.5 patch and about the least amount of content. I mean there's some nice tweaks in adjustments in there but nothing about it looks like stuff that would justify the time. I mean there's an entire class balance team in Blizzard, what have they been doing for the last 6 months exactly?

  7. LIKE ACTIVISION WITH BLIZZARD GAMES SO GAMIGO! ( “Why do Gamigo kill MMO’s?” by Josh Strife Hayes) #blizzard #worldofwarcraft #WOW #Diablo #SLworstthanBFA #fireionhazzikostas (cit.“[…] franly that’s a skill issue […]” “Ion Hazzikostas discussion on 9.1 and WOW going forward” by Preach Gaming) #fireholinka (cit.“[…] people gotta die […]” “Shadowlands PVP discussion with game dev Holinka” by Venruki) #firewyattcheng (cit.”do you guys not have phones?” ) #firebobbykotick
    The changes the developers were forced to maKe for 9.1.5 are just part of a cycle ( “Now you want to listen? Truth behind Shadowlands 9.1.5 …” by Stoopz)! Keep the classic expansions as they were at the release to keep alive the nostalgia operation, do not add anything, merge all the expansions instead letting players play together even if they play different expansions! World of Warcraft is not Diablo: stop adapting designs and concepts (example: 2 hand weapons to fury warrior, mythic +, infinite progression…)! No “Master Loot”, keep “Personal Loot” to avoid Guild dramas but let all the items dropped tradable (even upgrades)! Resexualize the paintings in World Of Warcraft! Do not spend time, energy and money to fight toxicity: it’s part of the game! The “decent” expansions were: Cataclysm, Mists Of Pandaria, Warlords Of Draenor and Legion ( “WoW Legion: RANT – you PRUNE the plant to guide its… Common sense left our developers…” by ReinhartDaRussian). Titles, mounts and gear should be given as reward for in game skill based achievements! Do not make recoloured mounts! PVP gear gated to rating always favored boosts since Vanilla! PVP must be separated from PVE and must have its own gear and stats! Developers must balance PVE from PVP and not viceversa! DELETE ALL THE TRANSACTIONS! REMOVE FROM THE BATTLE.NET LAUNCHER: CALL OF DUTY, CRASH BANDICOT, OVERWATCH, HEROES OF THE STORM AND HEARTHSTONE! THEY ARE NOT BLIZZARD GAMES, THEY ARE ACTIVISION! All the Legion Mythic + should be playable during the Timewalking event (and so should happen even for other past expansion dungeons during the specific Timewalking event)! Remove “War Mode”: there’s only World Of WARcraft, no modes! SPORT IS HUMAN VERSUS HUMAN NOT HUMAN VERSUS ENVIROMENT: ONLY RATED BATTLEGROUNDS AND ARENAS ARE ESPORTS NOT MYTHIC +! NO ISTANT CASTS, NO ISTANT HEALS: CASTERS ARE NOT MELEE! REMOVE FROM THE GAME EVERRY SINGLE COMMAND TABLE: WE SHOULD PLAY TOGETHER IN A MMO, NOT SOLO IN A BROWSER GAME! "BRAWL: COMP STOMP" IS A BOT PVP FIGH! IT’S MINDLESS! EVERYTHING THAT COULD BE PLAYED BY A BOT SHOULDN’T BE IN THE GAME, EXPECIALLY IN PVP! REMOVE “BRAWL: COMP STOMP” FROM THE GAME! MERGE ALL SERVERS! CREATE 2 MORE FACTIONS: Night Elf & Scourge! REMOVE TEH TRINKET “SHACKLES OF MALEDICTION” FROM PVP! REMOVE DUMPENING FROM ARENAS AND RESTORE “NECROTIC STRIKE” & “MORTAL STRIKE” IN THEIR OLD CONCEPT! MORTAL STRIKE MUST BE FOR WARRIOR ONLY! WHY HOLY PALADIN DOESN’T HAVE “REBUKE”? MAKE “GARGOYLE” AND “DARK SIMULACRUM” BASELINE FOR UNHOLY DEATH KNIGHT! RESTORE: Archeology, all the three runes (blood, frost & unholy) for Death Knight, Talent Trees, Glyph System (like in Wrath Of The Lich King), 5 vs 5 Arenas (and Arena Master title & achievement), Strand Of The Ancients, old Deepwing Gorge (and make the new one, you Devs created in BFA, 40 man), old vanilla/classic Arathi Basin & Warsong Gulch with their wonderful loading screens of art (at least make them optional or random generated when players join the queue), Resilience, Expertise Hit, Weapon Skill, Reforging, Presences, Stances, First Aid Profession, Sockets made by Blacksmithers (for every piece of gear) and Offhands for every class! Every piece of gear should be enchantable and gemmable! SAME FACTION BATTLEGROUNDS WILL KILL THE GAME! IT'S 20 YEARS WE ARE WAITING TO HAVE PLAYERS REWARDED TO QUEUE AS TANKS AND HEALERS IN BATTLEGROUND/EPIC BATTLEGROUND/SKIRMISHES AS IT HAPPENS IN LFG! WHY DEVS DON'T MAKE SOLO QUEUE POSSIBLE FORCING: ARENA 2'S (healer + dps), ARENA 3'S (healer + 2 dps), RBG (3 healers, 1 tank, 6 DPS with "forced" classes – like: 1 rogue, 1 DK, 1 DH etc.)? Remove: borrowed powers and pvp talents with damage modifiers! RESTORE: FACTION IDENTITY & CLASS IDENTITY GIVING TO FACTIONS SPECIFIC CLASSES AND TO CLASSES SPECIFIC SPELLS AND GEAR SETS! RESTORE CLASS SPECIFIC QUESTS LIKE THE ONES WE HAD IN VANILLA FOR PALADIN & WARLOCK (MOUNTS) OR FOR WARRIOR (WEAPON) OR THE ONES WE HAD IN LEGION! PLAYERS DON’T WANT TO BE HEROES IN A MMO, THEY WANT TO BE ADVENTURERS! THEY DON’T WANT TO PLAY A SINGLE PLAYER GAME, THEY WANT TO BE PART OF SOMETHING, THEY WANT TO PLAY WITH MANY OTHER ADVEDNTURERS! MAKE RBG'S 40 & 15 MAN! WHY SHOULD WE HAVE PVP CONSUMABLE ITEMS PURCHASABLE WITH MARKS OF HONOR WHEN WE HAVE ALCHEMY, ENGINEERING, FIRST AID AND COOKING?! NONSENSE! LET PROFESSIONS BE MEANINGFUL AND USABLE IN ANY PVP ENVIROMENT, RATED INCLUDED! IN WINTERGRASP RANDOM EPIC BATTLEGROUND PLAYERS CAN’T LOOT THE ENEMY CORPSES: WHAT ARE THE DEVELOPERS WAITING TO FIX IT? WHY AFTER A DECADE STILL THE ENGINES IN WINTERGRASP & ISLE OF CONQUEST HAVE SO FEW BUTTONS TO PRESS WHEN YOU DEVELOPERS COULD ADD ALL THE SPELLS TO GIVE THE PLAYERS SOMETHING MORE TO DO SINCE THOSE ARE ALWAYS THE VERY SAME ENGINES? Why when players come in and out arenas abilities are not resetted? Why when players are in arena before the match can’t switch to another damage specialization if they queue as damage? Why players don’t earn gold in PVP completing quick matches? In Shadowlands, Mages are tank, more than death knights or demon hunters: this is very poor design! Customizable PVP gearing is FAKE since the items with the most versatility, which is the stat that is 40% increased by double PVP trinket, are: haste shoulder, haste chest, crit wrist, haste legs, haste feet, mastery hand, crit waist, crit back. Why offhealers and hybrids are healing like healers in PVP? For using double PVP trinket which increases versatility by 40%: to balance PVP we need a proper and dedicated stat like resilience and PVP power were. Boosts, toxicity, dirty jokes and nudities are not the problems since players are 30 years old in average in a twenty years old game, GAMEPLAY is the problem and it’s developpers’ responsibility and duty they are paid for. Fight boosting services is very easy, just let all the levels of difficulty accesible via LFR: if the players have the item level and the achievement from the previous difficulty must be able to queue for raid finder, normal, heroic and mythic difficulty finding all the players that them want to play that level of difficulty of the game. Mentions: “Make love not Warcraft” (why players PVP and they are the villain); “Top 10 Amazing Features in WoW That Were Abandoned”; “Top 10 Systems and Gameplay Features Added That Players Actually Liked in World of Warcraft”; “9.1 PvP Gearing and why it is BAD”; “[…] the meaningful choices people are making whenever they see changes like this are the choice not to play the […] game this is so stupid I can’t believe it […] I don’t know what they are thinking […] who is making these decisions […] who’s designing and deciding these things […]” “Asmongold calls out the wow system designer”; Russel Brower: “World Of Warcraft, Diablo III, Starcraft II. Wish I could get those 12 years of my life back”; Jay Wilson:“Shut up, PVP guy!”; STOP PARASITIC DESIGN “What is parasitic design?” by Josh Strife Hayes: “From WOW to FF14” by CarbotAnimations; “World of Warcraft Removes "Offensive" Jokes and Flirts | No Fun Allowed” by Rurikhan Unleashed; “This is World Of Warcraft” by CarbotAnimations; “WOW players upset…” by Rhykker (“[…] Litterally every Mythic/Heroic raiding guild has being doing these since like what the beginning of the game?” – Towellie[…]”)

  8. As a enhance main that loves the spec, it's sad to see that we still don't get any love from blizz. WW monks are bonkers and going to be doing more……..same with arms wars and sub rouges. If they uncapped chain lightning or gave us a flame shock spread via lava lash we would at least be competitive.

  9. your balance druid hatred is getting so old. There is no way in hell that balance druids need nerfed dmg wise. They have a completely different dmg profile to other dps and it has its weaknesses and strengths. live with it.

  10. I'm the hipster who only plays enhancement and not even a nerf. As always blizzard barely cares about my spec, subscription going out on November not even get to taste covenant swapping, and not feeling in mood of paying 6 more months when all my friends already abandoned… What makes me want to play is your daily videos :p

  11. Who cares about tuning changes? Stop playing this trash game everyone has abandoned at this point for rightful reasons. Jesus Christ HOW HARD IS IT? Ffs. STOP. PLAYING. It's garbage. WOW is dead. Let it go.

  12. Come on Blizzard …. you have to do something about spinning crane kick… you can't leave it like that. Monks already do insane dps, uncapping that spell is just ratarded

  13. I’m surprised I haven’t heard more about NF Rogue legendary change along with the synergy it has with the buff to it’s conduit. Seems really strong single target imo.

  14. I wish they fixed the hit detection of Arcane Barrage to hit equivalently to Frost Lance.

    Enhancement Shaman: I have issues with the way their CDs line up. Also they could use some tuning in just dmg numbers in their kit and talents.
    (1) Put Ascendance on a 2min CD to line up with Feral Spirits OR
    (2) Adjust the baseline Feral Spirits to a 1.5min CD, that way wolves are up every other Ascendance. If you play the wolves leggo build, you can have wolves uptime similar to icy veins

  15. Ppl which cries about nerf WW is so dumb. like no brain? I guess so. Well, if they were shining everywhere maybe yea, but if they nerf WW aoe, so what WW have left then? This damm class has only one DPS spec…They will kill the fcking spec if WW get nerfed, since most of the Melee are stronger than WW in Raid or some crazy shit health long boss fights. Just leave ww monk alone, instead of cry about WW monk blabla just l2p your current class noobs. (And remember, most of the classes gets uncapped aoe now, would be same thing in 9.1.5. dont talking like only Monk gets the uncapped shit)


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