All Versions of Warcraft Raids need to be on a Raid Finder

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All Versions of Warcraft Raids need to be on a Raid Finder #worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #mmorpg #mmo #gamer #gaming #twitchclips #warcraft


32 thoughts on “All Versions of Warcraft Raids need to be on a Raid Finder”

  1. My guild sometimes has to pug heroic so we use the group finder. That's how we filled out our roster. Gotta put yourself out there to get into the harder stuff. One button queue into harder difficulties is a bad idea.

  2. If only it were that easy to make friends and find a guild in this game. Feels like all the guilds that aren't useless and do-nothing are closed off unless you can prove you're a fantastic player with great logs. I've been back for a couple months now and honestly haven't really even talked to anyone.

    Given how hard normal+ raids are, putting them up on a queue might be a disaster. I just had to respond because it bothers me when folks suggest "go make friends and find a guild" as if that weren't extremely hard nowadays.

  3. Totally disagree.
    Raid finder is an awesome tool. Every player must be able to find group easily for any content. And Raid mode, is the most important one. I want to have the option to do it with strangers at anytime. Ofc running it with a guild with discord its the best (optimal) way.

    -But what if i want to join a raid at 2.00am and my guild is sleeping?
    -You can do it bro via applying to the current raids that are running at the moment, somebody would say.
    -BOOM! Thats the problem dudes.

    On last expansion S4 i have only been to Normal Raids. My guild was dead, and had no WOW friends playing the same hours with me. And i couldnt enjoy HC raid because i couldnt find a group. Even though i had gear from M+ (2,3k rio) nobody would pick me as warrior.

    I want to have the option to do it automatically with random people in random hours.

    Grow up, leave the nostalgic WOW shit behind, and respect people's time (and money) who spend on the game.

    P.S: same for RBG

  4. Social? How to be social in a antisocial and toxic game where they instantly kick you after they check your Rio? Today I healed out many dungeons, and no1 replied on my greetings.

  5. Nah, most takes are good.
    It's not that deep. The community is trash. I did the social thing. My dad died. Told my guild I needed some time. They kicked me not even a week later.
    Make it require some sort of high requirements to trigger the ability to queue or something, but it'd be a great system.
    Yes, wow, raids, and mythic plus can be hard. It's not rocket science though. Maybe the top end of mythic plus and mythic raiding can be pre-made only.
    Also, using the in-game chat would likely make huge improvements. Make it a requirement to queue for high-end raid find content.

  6. I been wanting LFR normal heroic call it crazy mythic too. Last season I joined normal and I kind you not after killing a boss people left as expected no problem but it took 30min get people fly and our group didn't have warlock. I much rather risk have LFR normal heroic mythic where instantly entered go go not wasting time.

  7. I don't know about lfg auto matchmaking for heroic raid, but it would be good if you could queue for all available groups on a certain boss and it would auto list your name for all group leaders. It would save me having to search through the queue system and spam queueing.

  8. Guilds and groups are hard to get into with the current climate of WoW. Very hard to find a good one when all folks want is elite people to Zerg content. I was in a raiding guild as a main healer. GM kicked me because I had to have brain surgery. I told him I’d be out for a few weeks. I came back to my toons gkicked.

  9. love how the comment was so dumb that hes talking down on him unintentionally as if the guy who left that comment has never joined a guild or done a raid before. but what a baddddd take.. heroics in raid finder?? LOL

  10. To be honest, they should add a system of one boss at the time grouping, not Lfr type, but similar to mythic + and lfr, where you get into the instance and do the one boss, the grouping shoild be done manually, but the instacing could be like in lfr, but this would break the game, still it would be kind of fun.

  11. No you are right but lfr should be open for like Blizz do now with Blackrock Depths, with a itemlvl slightly more to go in like 590 with 603 drops , a nice in between for heroic and mythic

  12. There is already a mechanism to join normal heroic and mythic raids. The people running those raids need to be able to control who joins. The content can be difficult enough without having to add in a random player that likely won’t mesh with the group that’s running the content.
    If you can’t get in a raid without a raid finder, you’ve already failed a prerequisite needed to be in that raid, (being able to mesh with the group running the raid).
    You need to be social in those raids

  13. Naw never put the normal, heroic, and mythic in raid finder. Its seriously not difficult in the slightest to go to premade groups and find a pug. Theres a large list of various players running the raids, some are learners, some are for progression, and some are for fun tmogs. How difficult is it to read the requirements posted for that pug? Some might take your lower item level with no XP. Find a guild, it took me months to find one and stick with it. These guys raid twice a week, teach others, help others through dungeons and just support eachother. Finding one thats on your server definitely helps, you dont need to be BFF with everyone but make yourself available and show others that you are working on your character.


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