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Am I the only one that's tired of getting new races every single chance we get?
I just need a dwarven druid so I can make my Wildhammer Druid already!! I would even take stock druid forms to play
Why no one talks how good the satyrs would’ve been as an allied race!
I know it's a stretch lore wise. But something like dreadknights as a class or an allied race would be so cool. Blizzard gave us a bunch of mini Illidans with Legion. Let me be a mini Mal'Ganis plz 😅
# murlocs
The Vrykul would be an awesome adition.
What’s the name of that mount!?
Give me Vrykul please
Doesn’t matter what race it is just something that has a racial as good as dwarf or dark iron that can be played as horde.
I’d like to make an undead version of the other races….for example an undead blood elf….
Krumping trolls?
That’s what people want?
Sometimes WoW players are just the worst
Waiting for Forest Trolls since Warcraft RTS
NO Ogres please.
I know whatever they are that they'll just be rerigged from older races because blizz is lazy and can't be bothered anymore
everyone doesn’t want to see
Harronir are dead on arrival for me. Of all the prospective races they dont resonate at any level.
Would Ogres event work? Most of the door to buildings wouldnt fit them. I want the new Kobolds though as a new allied race
They are Dark Trolls
I just want a Paladin Panda Man. Fuck new races. Fuck your feelings. I want a Panda Paladin.
We need Mogu
Gnolls or gtfo
Ethereals would be hands down the best option.
That people will actually buy/play? Half-Elves are the super obvious choice. They should also add the Mok'nathal for the weird Ogre loving people. WoW is just Blizzard's take on D&D and Mok'Nathal mirror the Goliath race, i.e. Grog from Critical Role. In think they should add height/muscle sliders and better face options for all of the races in general too.
I want to play a Murloc 🙂
I want my haronir druid asap…❤❤
Where tf are the alliance jinyu
Honestly I’m hoping for playable nerubians. I can easily see myself having fun leveling up a nerubian rogue or mage.
Don’t need anymore dwarf, orc, troll, elf variants
Jinyu when??
This guy Dalaran is so far of the mark so often that its not even funny. No wonder this channel cant crack 200k subs after all these years. Content is dribble.
Where my kobold allied race people at?
Naga, etherael and sethek 👌🏻
Although I don't think we'll be getting ascended Nerubians, that would be SO cool and actually make sense