Anduin 9.2 Encounter New Voice lines: ARTHAS APPEARS!

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It seems like an all familiar presence is coming back during the Anduin Boss Fight. Arthas returns in Shadowlands 9.2. Yes you’ve heard it right the Lich King is back! Thank you PTR 9.2 for Shadowlands.


31 thoughts on “Anduin 9.2 Encounter New Voice lines: ARTHAS APPEARS!”

  1. It's probably Arthas, but they couldn't get the same voice actor for whatever reason. Anyways, I'm glad that he's not a good guy. I think Arthas works better as a villain, but if the old Lich King model makes it into live, that just goes to show how little they really care about their own story. You compare that to Sylvanas who got 10 unique models, and they couldn't even bother updating Arthas? That's kinda sus.

    Anyway PTR is PTR, I'll keep an eye out.

  2. If that is Arthas and a different voice actor, they could at the very least try to emulate the voice we’re familiar with. If this is supposed to be Arthas, it’s just lazy and more disappointment.

  3. They consider arthas the figurehead for toxic white males like asmongold he won't get redemption and he won't be coming back they think the same about garrosh that's why they gave him such a shitty end cinematic. that's why the bolvars lich king got pwned by a woman and that's why they made him a bitch this expansion. personally, I don't care really care but that's what it seems like to me.

  4. For people confused why the Fallen King portion sounds like Anduin, it is. To my knowledge, during the fight, Arthas doesn't have a single voiceline. Anything he says, he says through Anduin so it's Josh Keaton with a voice filter. I think that's fine, it doesn't have to be outright possession to be a good portion, but I do hope we see more of good ol' Arthas.

  5. Basically summed up
    Sylvanas yeets herself off icecrown, makes a deal with the jailer.
    Zovaal puppeteers arthas up until the helm is removed
    Half Uther yeets arthas remnant into the maw (notice how his soul remnant was closed eyes all that time)
    Sylvanas sees arthas torture
    Arthas gets stored as a shard
    Jailer begins to work through the only person close enough he could manipulate, sylvanas.
    Jailer uses arthas soul remnant shard as a catalyst from his shard vault, (as kingsmourne needs a soul catalyst to forge it) exactly where he had the ranger general (convenient, right?) to possess anduin and kingsmourne through domination magic Zovaal put on him.
    As we know, kingsmourne doesn't split souls, it retrieves the sigils, it steals but doesn't split this time. Because it has arthas as the "blue light" possessing the blade.

    Anduin literally possessed by Zovaal & arthas (armour domination magic)
    Kingsmourne (arthas remnant, domination magic)
    The Puppeteer, the puppet, and the body for the puppet.

    So in this raid, you basically destroy arthas entirely, literally arthas & anduin are both Puppeteered and puppet.

    Arthas literally had 4 soul remnants throughout wotlk, and this last one is the last to destroy.

  6. From the writers of GoT and the Star Wars sequels, we have Shadowlnads. A fusion of badwriting and nostalgia.
    Really, the gameplays sucked back 2 expansions and now the lore joined it too(i think its actually worse)

  7. Officially done with blizzard they had one job, they could of brought back the one heavily demanding character to have been created of all time honestly wow isn't the same wrath was hands down the best expansion after that was legion bfa and shadowlands was to bland and the long wait for patch 9.1 killed it,

  8. Arthas: glad you could make it.. Uther..
    Uther: watch your tone with me boi.. you maybe the prince but i am still your superior as a paladin..
    Arthas: as if i could forget.. listen Uther theres something you need to know about.. oh no.. we are too late.. this entire city.. must be purged..
    Uther: what??!! How can you even consider that?? There must be some other way..
    Arthas: damnit Uther i order you to purge this city!
    Uther: you are not my king yet boi.. nor would i obey that command even if you were..
    Arthas: then i must consider this.. an act of treason..
    Uther: treason?? Have you lost your mind Arthas??


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