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I'm very early! I loved this trailer.
My raid group knows Im not healing them if/when we inevitably fight her. My loyalties lie with my knife wife. #JustPriestyThings
Edit to add: Beta drops today! Can't wait to see what's found within if its any different than the Alpha.
If someone told me 19 years ago that anyone would ever yell for Anduin with that excitement, I'd have laughed at the idea. Now he's one of my favorite characters.
Xal'atath is my new leader. I choose her side!
That thing Xal'atath is holding is called the Heart of Darkness.
Notice that Anduin turns away from the light (the setting sun) and into the shadows.
Loved your view on this! I'm hyped myself for some great storywriting!
Jaina is in Kul Tiras, yes.
I loved Anduin turning from the light (Light).
I'm soooo excited for Knaifu. I srsly cannot wait for this xpac.
Great video! Some lore about Xalatath is that up until legion/bfa she was trapped in an ancient blade, and while she was in the blade she has been hopping from kingdom to kingdom and manipulating events for at least tens of thousands of years and possibly more
King Magni, the diamond dwarf, has a very profound conection with Azeroth. I can't wait to know how this expansion will affect him.
I can fix heeeerrrrrr…
We want More Extended fighting Short films from you
the looking glass thing is an ancient void relic called the Heart of Darkness, from my understanding it can open rifts to the void and generally give the user great powers. The Earth Incarnate in Dragonflight retrieved it from the far past using time magic, and apparently went and gave it to Xal'atath.
"Knaifu is meh new qweeen!" Sylvanas simp probably
I believe the "fury will be mine" thing is a similar concept to Domination in Shadowlands, where the Jailer can use the characters' minds against them to control them. I may be wrong, but that's my personal theory for now
Nobbel mentioned it when he looked at Anduin that he seems to be turning away from the light in this shot literally and metaphorically at the same time.
The 'fury' line strongly brings to mind Y'shaarj and the Sha, aberrations empowered by the negative emotions of mortals.
Xalatath is very old atleast. right during the black empire or before that, shes allies is like the void i think, might be wrong
5:45 That's Proudmoore Keep in Boralus. Jaina's home castle. That's why she's standing there.
The Thrall and Anduin parallels are great. He's been unable to harness the elements since his cheating against Garrosh. Which is why he gave up the Doomhammer to Shaman champions in Legion. Now Anduin has lost his connection to his abilities because of his own unworthiness, and Thrall gets to be the one to pull him out of exile like Saurfang got to do for Thrall.
It's also worth noting that Azeroth gave the Dragon Aspects their abilities back in Dragonflight. So it's possible we're working towards an narrative that sees both Anduin and Thrall reimpowered by their quest to help the world soul in this saga.
Those two "things" with Xal'atath's character design are just void orbs, I guess. Nothing of much significance, other than to tell you that she's intrinsically connected to the void. Sometimes you can see this on certain class specializations as well 🙂 for example on warlocks or mages, depending on how they roll. A visual effect, so to speak.
In the "Secrets of the Reach In-Game Cinematic" you see the Primalists enter a cave in Forbidden Reach. We see them flex their powers a bit as they clear out the defenses and the Iridikrin (the eath guy) pick an object from a pillar. That object looks a LOT like the object Xal'atath has now.
In the "Dawn fo the Infinite" dungeons, at the end we see Iridikron siphon Void energies out of Galakrond, the big dragon that threatened all of life on Azeroth which the brave set of dragons defeated and were rewarded by being ascended into Dragon Aspects. Galakrond was mentioned in the first Legacies cinematic before Dragonflight released.
Iridikron then left the fight in the dungeon via a voidportal which we saw a faint elven figure in.
So that's the origin. Not really sure what else we know about it.
The loneliness you pretend not to feel… Alleria’s son chose to fight the war and she is unable to stay with her husband because he’s a champion of the light and she has embraced the void, the opposite side and she’s unable to being close to him.
Also that line has a strong connection to me as well 😅