Anduin Raid Finale Cinematic REACTION | Shadowlands: Eternity's End 9.2

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16 thoughts on “Anduin Raid Finale Cinematic REACTION | Shadowlands: Eternity's End 9.2”

  1. They should have switched wc3 reforged with that bread crumb that is or was arthas in the cinematic. I'd like to think that sylvanas was actually talking about reforged & not to arthas

  2. I just noticed something big! The twin blades of Shalamanye now represent Varian and Saurfang! When Anduin frees himself, he is holding the blue half on of the sword on his left hand representing the Alliance’s Valor and the red half on his right hand representing the Horde’s Honor. In the game the Alliance is the left while the Horde is right. Could this mean that Anduin is key who will unite the Horde and Alliance?!

  3. blizzard I did not expect such a thing at all, I did not fuckiing expect ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT WTF Why should it end like this? blizzard did not even show Arthas' face You are the worst blizzard company in the world. WE have been waiting for 15 years to see something from Artas, but now we have not seen ANYTHING What did you think of yourself blizzard? Artas ended in a very miserable way This was not the end of this very popular character. You know how long I waited to see a great scene in this cinematic, but you ruined everything. (BLIZZARD FUCK YOU)

  4. I mean, words can't describe my disappointment with how they treated Arthas. Like, 20 years of story just dunged onto. They didn't want to waste Arthas' potential so… they deleted him. Not even a closure for Jana and Uther (HEEE WAAAAS HIIIIS STUUUDEEEENT!), just psycho-wench redemption arc buffed… So, so sad…


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