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This video contains a pet battle guide for the achievement Aquatic Apparitions which is 1 of 10 achievements required in order to obtain the Meta achievement Family Exorcist which rewards you with the Spriggan Trickster pet.
0:00 Intro & Pet List
0:52 Sylla
3:34 Eyegore
7:09 Addius the Tormentor
8:38 Dundley Stickfingers
11:20 Rotgut
14:15 Caregiver Maximillian
17:20 Stratios
19:25 Thenia
21:50 Zolla
The other Achievements are being worked upon.
Other Hidden/Secret Pets
#aquaticapparitions #petbattle #worldofwarcraft
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Fine line – Geographer – Dance & Electronic
Ok this looks like fun, I'm on it.
Hi! I am going to get right on it! Thanks for the content – love your channel. Please share – what addon do you use?
Also, just realised Glitterdust and Faryl also form part of this achievement :/ (I have just seen that these 2 are not necessary as you only need 9 of the 11…just as well, I just cannot defeat Faryl…hateful!)