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Need some guidance on what to do in Arathi Basin as Vengeance Demon Hunter? I’ve got you covered!
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0:00 – Introduction
0:47 – Let’s Begin – Objectives Rundown
1:17 – Spin Blacksmith
3:58 – Don’t Fight Off The Flag
4:50 – Eyes on Rogue
5:18 – Spin To Win
9:48 – Once you get 3 Bases you MUST…
10:20 – Conclusion
10:50 – Credits – Médecins Sans Frontières | Doctors Without Borders
STREAMBEATS Copyright Free Music for Streamers (and YouTubers!)
Music Used ➤➤ Harris Heller – Honey Lights
Spotify ➤➤
Apple Music ➤➤
Youtube ➤➤
Any other music service just search for Harris Heller
Thanks For Watching!
#worldofwarcraft #shadowlands #pvp #vengeance #tank #demonhunter #ab #arathibasin #rbg #wins #2100 #flagcarry #flag #battle #guide #objectives #strategy #basesitting
YES my team managed to queue up against the enemy Demon Hunter Timers – Stormrage and we got WRECKED by them. They are a European TOP Rated RBG Team who came to North America servers and absolutely crushed their way up to 2400 ratings easily, including my team 🙁
I thouht as DH tank you just def farm.
in this vid, who in your team is defending Farm?
Illidans Grasp has been fixed????????
Great video, SR!
I was doing the same last night and throwing people off the hill at BS.
Very informative videos and I have learned so much from you! Just hit 1800 last night and probably will push 2.1!
Which pvp trinkets are best for vengeance?
I absolutely love Illidan's Grasp because I can be a nuisance!
My favorite place to utilize it is in Silvershard mines when escorting the top cart solo. Toss people into the water once the cart is near the middle of the bridge!
Imprison them when they hit the ramp to get out of the water, then a fear sigil- More often than not, they give up and leave.
"Hah, see ya later! Aw, he's back" that's how I feel every time, king
Man you can toss people like that?! I've been sleepin on that talent
Great content, keep it up. I think you should take a look at Promosm to promote your channel!