ARCANE MAGE GUIDE 9.0 | Best rotation, covenants, legendaries, and talents in Shadowlands

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Everything you need to know about Arcane Mage in Shadowlands. This Arcane Mage 9.0 guide goes over the best rotation, covenants, conduits, legendaries, talents, and more.

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What is in this guide?
00:00 – Intro
00:34 – Arcane the melee ranged spec
02:14 – Covenants
04:25 – Legendaries
06:36 – Talents
09:40 – How to play arcane mage

The best stats for Arcane Mages are Mastery, Crit, then Haste. Other stats will vary a bit so I suggest you sim your character on raidbots.

Bloodymallet stats:

Arcane AoE:
It’s mentioned in the video but since I’m witing it here too.

Arcane Explosion AoE rotation is 3 or more targets. With Bombardment, do the AoE rotation at 2 targets as soon as one is in execute. Arcane AoE rotation is just Arcane Explosion to get arcane charges, then spending with Arcane Barrage.

Arcane Echo Talent:
If you run this talent (pure single target) then replace the arcane blasts on the opener with Arcane missiles (without clearcast) during touch of the magi. With this talent it’s worthwhile to cast arcane explosion before the pull to fish for clearcasting.

Toegrinder’s Mage Sims:

Rune of Power tracker Weak Aura:

Arcane Power Macro:
#showtooltip Arcane Power
/cast Berserking(Racial)
/use 14
/castsequence reset=30 Arcane Power, Arcane Blast

PoM Macro:
/stopmacro [channeling:Arcane Missiles]
/castsequence reset=30 Presence of Mind, Arcane Blast, Arcane Blast

Macro to not interupt Missiles:
#showtooltip Arcane Blast
/cancelaura Ice block
/stopmacro [channeling:Arcane Missiles]
/cast Arcane Blast

Put the “stopmacro” line in any other macros you want and it will make you never cut a missiles short again.

More here:

(Follow instructions in README file.)

My macros are showing up as hastags so I’m going to add my own:
#Arcane #Shadowlands

Reminder to thank your mage theorycrafters in the Altered Time discord for all the work that do! Guides like this wouldn’t be possible without our fantastic Mage theorycrafters.


34 thoughts on “ARCANE MAGE GUIDE 9.0 | Best rotation, covenants, legendaries, and talents in Shadowlands”

  1. preheat! what should be our first legendary, im playing frost now, but i wanna try arcane too, should i get the first legendary, timewarp? should i stick with frost legendary, arcane legendary D:

  2. Night Fae Arcane Mage ftw. I already have disciple of the grove. the time warp ring and plan on the bombardment next. i love using my cool-downs, then barrage, arcane orb, another barrage, shifting power, another orb and finally another barrage. After this I can use cool downs again 😀

  3. Hey master mage! I suck at aiming my frost orbs for frost, would you consider doing a small tutorial on that (and maybe other more nuanced mage spells?) some time? I'd love to see it!

  4. Interesting mention of siphon storm. You’re the first streamer I’ve watched that’s really suggested it. I see so many people mention Arcane Harmony for single target scenarios. I noticed you didn’t mention it. Thoughts? Also, for SS, would you precast it as NF to have a high stat buff In your opening rotation like font did, or just take advantage of it when you shift to conserve phase? Great guide!

  5. I have played Frost Mage for well over a decade. It saddens me to change to Arcane but I am going to try it out. Came here to see how to play Arcane. Thanks for the info, I really appreciate the time you put in to explain how to play this spec. Also, have you noticed how squishy mages are this expansion?


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