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Hey guys, today with a long video, I really overdid myself. I haven’t really gave too much focus to Arcane Mages this expansion in my guides at least, so it’s time to give them a proper ALL TO KNOW guide, with DPS Rotation for literally all situations. Also I put a BEGINNER FRIENDLY part of the video, I don’t know what to think about it, I guess I’ll ask you guys in the comments about it…
My focus of the video is mainly on the most important parts in my opinion, DPS opener and rotation with different legendary powers and Necrolords Covenant (which wasn’t super covered in my first video).
Next guides will be small Fire / Frost Guides for Necrolords and after that I’m making a big Arcane Mage Guide again, but this time for Kyrian.
I hope you guys will find it helpful and enjoyable. If you do please leave a like and consider subscribing!
Hello there Description reader, when you are already so deep into my writing please check out my Twitch and Patreon channel.
Have a nice day!
#wow #frost #shadowlands
0:00 Introduction
1:45 Arcane Mage Basics
9:50 Talents
11:48 Conduits & Soulbinds
12:33 Stats
13:10 Legendary Powers
14:50 Temporal Warp 1 Target
17:47 Arcane Bombardment 1 Target
20:35 Temp/Bomb 2 Target
23:20 Temp/Bomb 3 Target, Harmony 3/4
24:34 Temp/Bomb 4 Target
26:12 Temp/Bomb 5 Target
28:05 Arcane Bombardment Execute
29:29 Arcane Harmony 1 Target
32:04 Harmony 2 Target
34:35 Harmony 5 Target
36:14 Verdict
Hello, I wish you have a good day!
Also I got a question, Noob Friendly Part of the video, is it okay?
29:29 I wrote Temp/Bomb, while in fact it's Harmony, same as 34:35.
Standby for Kyrian Guide in few weeks 🙂
I've waiting for this! thank you so much! Big fan here I hope you still doing this great job I love your content sir you are my biggest inspiration to play mage in this expansion
starting popping off as arcane necro feels really fucking good tbh.
Soon as i wanted to switch from fire to arcane you posted a video thanks a lot
Hello Markonicus…thanks for putting in that work and that great guide ! 🙂 i am looking forward to the 9.1 changes and how it will impact the covenant choice once again 😀 one really dumb question… how are u able to transmog that venthyr backpiece, when u are necrolord ? 😀
9:05 – you probably should cast barage before casting touch
you were able to keep the Venthyr cosmetic crimson blades after swapping to Necrolord?
You make playing nightfae look like your tolling with this necrolord
Thx for guyd!)
For solo target/2 target on necro it seems that harmony is the leggy to choose?
super glad i came across this video and channel! love the awesome effort you put into this video!!
Love the video, you do a great job with Arcane in keys. How do you perform in raid?
Please stand still, you jumping around makes me dizzy
I’ve been playing Arcane Necro since shadowlands launched, this guide is great is gonna help me a ton. I was wondering how come sometimes you don’t arcBomb before TotM? Since TotM refills charges?
whats the addon that shows what spells are next?
Amazing video, once again. Just a question: isn't it better to drop arcane charges using barrage when in rune and before entering the burst phase? Actually, I have a second question: is it worth to keep doing AE+Barrage for execute phases if all the other CD are available when using Bombardment legendary?
Drop rate of Arcane Bombardment legendary is? I'm struggling to drop that with my new alt…
Hello Markonicus, i was wondering, isn't it worth it to delay your 2nd arcane power to synchronise it with Deathborne? Is it too much to wait? Or do we delay our 2nd Deathborne for our 3rd arcane power?
u savedd my lifeee..!! i felt like arcane was boring, all i did was spam arcane missiles with RoP and arcane power and deal decent dps, never knew there were so much rotations!! keep it up!