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Interesting opinions all around on the future of Addons in World of Warcraft. I think this is a tough line to walk, but I think what we currently have with addons is what I would prefer.
I've been playing since beta and the game is a ton better with addons. Hell I even remember ICC and that VR addon that gave the game color over lay making the game feel like FF was awesome. Blizz cares to much about their style then making the game good for players and that will never change.
People just love to bitch about anything. Addons are fine. Mythic plus just needs a bit of tuning but overall fine
In this video, Tettles makes the csse why Blizzard should never hire Tettles for development because he has no vision for solving complex problems.
maybe they should hire some of the addon makers
Its only weakauras thats problematic, they should just limit what it can do in raids. Like the early versions of weakaura aka powerauras when all it can do is display ability cooldowns and procs.
I use two addons. DBM and healbot. If you don’t like addons so fking much don’t use addons. I hate people who want the entire game to change because that’s how THEY want it. So annoying. Same with ppl who bitch and moan and want Aug evoker to be deleted. Just cuz you don’t like it doesn’t mean the rest of us should suffer because that’s how you want the game. People are so entitled. You can improve the game with out getting of rid of shit.
The new player argument is so dumb too. There’s a 100 other things that should be fixed or worked on before addons are even discussed lol
Classic WoW is the perfect example. People play without addons because they aren't necessary. Blizzard needs to make the game digestible and playable without addons FIRST, and the average player will not take the time to put addons over top. I also find it weird how people are taking examples from the top end of the player base as the reasons new players don't play. Hard truth, the game is absolutely playable at the level of a brand new player. The "for fun" casual CONTENT is what is missing to keep them entertained until they learn enough about the game to decide if they want to push harder content and chase self-improvement. Its easy to say "ban all addons and it will fix the game!!!!" but actually thinking through how it would affect gameplay and the development of other parts of the game, it would do nothing but make game worse for the foreseeable future. Even if blizzard spent hundreds or thousands of dev hours to recreate all of the "necessary" combat addons we would just end up where we are now except with the opportunity cost of spending that time on other parts of the game. A company could never compete with the small and specialized teams of devs working on each addon individually. Players creating things that interact with and influence the game they love is something that keeps games alive.
Of course the game should be digestible baseline, and blizzard needs to improve that no doubt, but removing all addons and expecting that to "force" them to fix the game is shortsighted and ignorant of reality.
TL;DR my opinion
Blizzard needs to make engaging casual content for new players (not just combat), while simultaneously improving the base UI to bridge the gap between it and addons in combat. (the gap will never be completely bridged without sacrifices elsewhere)
These kinds of people demanding "NO ADDONZ!1" are the same folks who'd Immediately lose their minds if they Actually did it, and stripped out all the functionality we take for granted that they grant. E.g. Bags, Nameplates, professions helpful things like bag addons, Hunter addons, character panel help, QOL stuff like Plumber or Narcissus, collections related addons etc… PVP-elitests are more than welcome to run without addons and yell "skill issue" at others as they usually do.
I started playing with the war within and I like addons. I just really like optimizing my gameplay and displaying the information I want in the spot I want. And they also add a lot of qol.
Maybe at the high end addons are too powerful but i am not there so idk.
I don't see how removing addons would ever be viable. There's too much to each class, and the class trees and now hero talents make this untenable. Games like FFXIV get away with this by removing builds so they can hand craft a thing that shows you exactly what you need to track for your class. No way blizzard could do this for every class and account for the different builds. There's simply too many auras and procs and other nonsense going on. I'd love to see them improve Base UI so they're less necessary and if they wanted to restrict what was possible thats OK I guess but personally creating a UI that tracks exactly what I need to know about my class is what I like about this game
A huge part of the reason why I love wow is because I can customize the UI to fit my liking, i love to spend time creating and changing it to do whatever I want, if that is taken away from me I would never play wow again, and honestly, for that very reason, I believe anyone that dislikes addons is either extremely lazy, incompetent or just very new to the game.
I understand that some fights go overboard and shouldn't require addons to down the boss in the first place, however.
With that being said, If people want a version of wow that doesn't "require" addons to be played, Era servers are right there available for everyone, they can even disable all addons in retail if they want to, they can also just not play WoW at all.
I'd love a no add-on small raid in like a .5 patch or something with 3 bosses
world of weak auras, the weak aura within
I think they just need to seriously restrict what addons can track. Enemy CD tracking in pvp needs to go, it hugely lowers the skill gap and teaches you to just follow your addon. All of the mechanics that track all of the boss abilities, organising where to go etc need to go. They can stop making these ridiculously complex bosses and let players decision making be more important.
A lot of new players have no clue what they're looking at though. No one likes the crazy tracking weak auras and addons, but a lot of new players just see some crazy UIs and get told "yep addons are stupid and retail sucks" when crazy UIs have been a thing since original classic.
A big reason for why WoW was so successful out of the gate was how robust the addon community has been and how they have always been very supported. This game would lose much of its appeal without them for me.
I would definitely play wow more often if add-ons were not a thing.
Yeah don't care for these changes just simply want fps to not be as shit as it is in raids.
Addons never weren't ruining WoW.
"Remove addons" is, by far, the most stupid take this community has been able to come up with.
Combat addons have gotten out of hand.
Addons should never be removed lmao alot of people would just flat out quit the game …
Lmao remove addons we all finna quit 🤣
Before actually watching the full video (only read the post so 2 mins in)
I really think people give blizzard too much credit.
They can barely tune shit right and keep shit balanced and you actually have faith they’d make so many ui changes in a year? Brother I have absolutely no faith that they would actually do any of this.
I can see the points, I just don’t think blizzard will actually do anything.
Addons suck. They need to go.
What if blizzard figures out how to design m+ and raid bosses that don't need addons first instead of banning addons and releasing content that's impossible until 6 weeks of nerfs hit it
The guy who leads the guild who literally won because they scammed private auras now wants add-ons removed. Irony at its best
No they are not
They make me lag lol
Nops. Consoleport save lifes… Change my mind
no one makes addons to make the game worse
"Improve the base UI" sounds like such a reasonable take when you just throw it out there on twitter with 0 thought.
Improving the base UI to where it could actually make up for the loss of addons is an absolute behemoth task that would most certainly come at the cost of like 1-2 expansion features – which these knobheads on twitter would certainly be very happy and understanding about.
Every time I think Blizzard has done something useful with the UI – like splitting out the Severed Threads reps into three sub-reps – I discover it was an addon fixing the issue before I even knew it was a problem. So no, I don't want to leave things up to Blizzard to fix.
We dont need to talk about this unless encounter design changes completely.
Absolutely not! As we have seen in the last 20 years Blizz is not able to provide an ergonomic UI in a timely manner. We still can’t even change font size (esp. in chat bubbles). Their decision on which info i might need and which not is often ridiculous (what, my mind flay slows my target yet again – you don’t say😮). It still takes an addon to tell me which player to run away from when they’re cursed or sth, although the mechanics clearly wants me to. And even with the improvements of the last 3-4 years I dare you to find to find even one healer that wants to do their job without group frame modifications.
In my opinion they should do this:
It's not possible to read information of NPCs. Nothing more.
So you can still use weakauras to track you cds and Buff-Timer (no Debuffs) etc. You can still adjust your UI and have a Damagemeter.
The “no addons” argument is driven by the game’s complexity and lack of visual clarity. If they fix those two things, addons won’t really matter.
Addons is the cancer of wow.
Man, every time I log in, I get the vulpera heritage armor quest and a ton of shadowlands titles granted. Forget the UI, they haven’t had what I would consider a finished product game on live for months now.
The big culprit, as per usual, is weak auras. There's no other addon as remotely powerful at displaying information and solving raid/dungeon mechanics as that. Idk what blizzard can even do about it at this point other than like private aura-ing the entire raid
UI addons are ok. Encounter/PvP addons need to go. Game devs should engineer encounters accordingly.
This is exactly why i don't use ElvUI and only a small amount of Weakauras. There's so many Weakauras with models that just tanks your fps and ElvUI is also not great for performance.
No, Blizzard is.
My very personal opinion is, that addons in competitive parts of the game, M+ and Raids, are equal to cheating. Comparable to something like aimbots in Countertrike, Callof duty etc… or doping in real sports. WOW in this regard is the equivalent of Tour de france in e-sports. Everybody is on dope. Because they are so common, the difficulty balancing of the M+, Raid content is based on the fact that nearly all people are using addons, a highly modded game. I personally abhor the kind of videos, which are common at the start of M+ seasons: "You have to install this 10 addons to improve your M+ gameplay". They are like penis enlargment advetisments.
Im a casual mediocre WOW M+ player. Did reach 2500 RIO the last five seasons, once 3150. I use details and plater as the only two addons. Did Play WOW early in the 2000's and did play LOL,for several years, also here mediocre GOLD player, prior to returning to WOW at the start of DF.
If Blizz didn't rework the entire fucking talent system every xpac, they might have the time and resources to tackle this. I stg, everytime they decide to rework the talent system and spend months rebalancing all 39 specs, it makes me doubt reality.
Remove addons and I quit simple as that. TWW dev team has released nothing but bug infested slop lately. Nothing they release works as intended. Addon devs are far more reliable than the rushed, unpaid interns blizz give 5 minutes of time for any given project.