Are Legendaries Still Worth Leveling/Selling in Patch 9.2.5? | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over all the new legendary changes in 9.2.5, and if they are still a market worth getting into. With the new changes, we have cheaper legendaries but also a lot more competition. Hopefully this mention can help you figure out if it’s truly worth doing on your server. Let me know if you have any questions!
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0:00 Intro + Background Information
1:15 Questions You Need to Answer
3:00 Process Begins
14:22 Outro

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4 thoughts on “Are Legendaries Still Worth Leveling/Selling in Patch 9.2.5? | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Update (6/7 at 2pm EST): The original spreadsheet did not have the vestige materials calculated into rank 7 cost, so please ensure you copy the correct version (if you are watching the video after this comment is posted you are fine). This issue does not affect anything besides the final crafting cost of your Rank 7. For the example in this video, my Rank 7 actually costs 15k (instead of 7k) to make, so my profit is actually 7k instead of 17k, this means that I would need to sell 2 of these to make my money back and my third sale would contain profit. I apologize for this mistake!

  2. Hi. Would anyone be able to explain shatters for enchanting and tsm. It seems all mixed up on what to buy and how i need to craft it. Ie sacred shards are 40 each but a eternal crystal is 100 but its telling me to by sacred shards. Also what the heck is AH(crafting) it dosent make sense

  3. Hi Penguin love your videos and thank you for all your help. I've searched your discord and couldnt find an answer and hopefully you can help me. Im trying to sell old world green items and im on proudmoore so alot of old greens are just being dumped at lower prices which is fine however rather than undercutting all items TSM only undercuts some and the others it will post at normal price which is about 100g higher than the other sellers are asking and im trying to stay competitive and not waste gold with AH deposits. My min settings are first(40%dbmarket,1.8*vendorsell) and my normal settings are 100%dbmarket. Could you please help me out with this one trying to find a setting that will undercut all.


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