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#Trille #Gladiator #pvp
nice video <3
Funny that they remove the convokw onetap that happens at the end of a convoke 4 second long cast that is 100% interruptable instantly wich always happens to me. But mages, rouges, warriors, monks and so on, are still alowed to literaly onetap people. Blizzard at its best as always. Balancing is bad atm, its always the same, some classes are alowed to do to much dmg whilst some are not. Im. Playing balance, and i get nonstop trained to shit, literay everyone sees balance and goes on me 100% till there is nothing left to do but die, especialy ww monks, they have 100% slows on u 100% of the time and just constant nuke u and cc u at the same time
This by far the worst season if you play healer, dps'er still living stressfree
I think having to manage the pet's health adds to the complexity of the hunter class. It's good it will take less damage now and make it less likely to get killed, while the hunter still gets punished with a long cast time to re summon it, if it dies. I think it's fair, that both the hunter and potentially the healer have to keep an eye on the pet. I also do NOT play hunter, so it's literally a very personal opinion >.>
I liked hearing your insight on all the changes, I'm curious to see how it plays out after they are effective.
100% agree with the end of the vid, far better to have all classes do damuuges than nerf
I hate the rng abilitys like druid and Ret pala wich mastermind in the Blizzard Hq thougt that was a good idea
changes once every full moon Kappa
convoke nerf is huge -.- moon is super awsome especaly when eclipse talent and 300% procs
Great video Trille!
As a warlock, the full moon nerf is great cause that's the only thing I cannot reflect.
Windwalker are not even hard to kill and people dont want to take that into consideration
They just see lot of damages ( when most of them are just poke out of cds basically ) and instantly cry when for exemple there is Shadow priest doing as much + mindgames and are almost unkillable when their mate peels the ma tiny bit
i've played against a lot of ww today and they're the easiest shit to kill in the game
Yes they do damages but its managable by far and they die unlike some other specs
If every class was like this the game would be so much funnier
You know , dying when u get outplayed 😀