Are the Shadowlands 9.1.5 CHANGES Enough?

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Its a simple question, are the World of Warcraft Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 changes enough for you to come back to World of Warcraft?

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43 thoughts on “Are the Shadowlands 9.1.5 CHANGES Enough?”

  1. The reason people are frustrated is that they wouldnt have done the changes and doubled down again if it wasnt for the exodus. With how quickly the changes came shows the "ripcord" was real and they lied since the start.
    Why go back they will do the same thing again?

  2. Is it enough ? Yes because majority of what people asked in forum has been accepted but now have to see if they continue to listen like this In future or not, only time will tell, I hope new leadership continue to bring positivity in game 😅

  3. I get that it's frustrating that it took over a year for these changes to come into the game, but look at what has been going on inside the company. In a workplace like that, you won't get the best work from your employees no matter how much the customer kicks and screams. They most likely dragged their feet on deadlines and projects until it was past time to deliver them. But look, as soon as changes started to roll out in the company and the predators were kicked out, all of a sudden it's running full steam again. Now we are getting the content that was supposed to have already been here. And from what Towelie has said, there's more to come if I recall correctly. The developers want this game to be successful and great to play just as much as we the customers want, and where we 'voted with our wallets' they most likely voted by forcing the higher ups to take their real life issues seriously before they made these changes. That's my theory at least.
    I haven't left the game, I still enjoy it and still have things I'm working on since I'm a solo casual, but even if I wasn't subscribed I would come back for this patch.

  4. personally i have nothing against blizzard. nothing that goes on at their company involves me. i genuinely think these changes are good. however they're over due, theirs a reason why most of the dumb fun comes at near the end of life of a expansion . because it has all the catch up and fixes negates alot of the hardship of the start and people are just op. im subbed and im not sorry for that. im enjoying TBC classic i never got to play it.

  5. Well, it's very true that they're reacting faster, tho, they are facing a downfall that they never encountered before. One might say, you're on copium Acco 😀 but these days, ppl seem to consider that you either are under copium or otherwise you should be playing ff14 exclusively. I hope it(current events) force changes that would make the game better indeed, but we shouldn't give Blizz a rest as long deep changes in their game designs / overall management, happen for good. I think it's a good time for a shift tho as they saw that they could lose their player base, that many other good mmo's are emerging, etc, rationally, this should provide only positive outcomes as they already reached the bottom, right?

    Ps: i do hope the game becomes better and that they sort out their lore so you can keep Providing us with content Acco =))

  6. Why should blizzard be praised for this when they Knowingly did it, knowing it would be garbage, knowing people would be vexed about it, but did it anyway?

    Also KNOWINGLY doing it for the third time in a row….. That's the kicker!!

    Because their lazy, they lack the creativity pride and passion to put that effort in and will release xpacs like this.

    F*** Blizzard, they won't change neither will the way they act with each of the last few xpacs, because they know they can get away with it after their weak poor attempts at transparency, and people will stick with it defend it regardless how bad said xpacs are, and as long as a small amount of people still play it they won't care (which they've proven they don't care)

    It's like being in an abusive relationship, the abuser promises to change, does for a bit but then resorts back to being a scum bag …. pretty much the same analogy!!

    Anyone who thinks they will change are at best beyond delusional.

  7. When the highlights of 9.1 and 9.1.5 should have been part of 9.0, you know youve fucked up as a game developer. Not to mention all of the work that still needs to be done.

  8. I'm going to try 9.1.5. I hope it brings me back. If not I'll have to face the reality that I'm done with the game forever. As well, if I last into the next xpack and they do this again, I'll be gone forever at that point.

    I also want to remind people that you don't need an active sub to check out the PTR.

  9. Hey acco im a bit late to this show and to be fair haven't read much on it been playing a lot of ffxiv as of late and alot less wow buuut my own personal feeling is there is a balance to be had making money is great yes but also caring about the playerbase and understanding them at the same time that what makes a great company and not just good … i feel like people think and i might be wrong or right i duno but feel blizzard use to have that balance but its gone to much to 1 side of greed.

    Like i said making money and caring about making money is not bad but its all about balance. people dont like dicks but they dont mind people who focus intensely on something (they usually come across as a bit douches because they have their own place etc is my comparison).

  10. When people comment about “Blizz only reacting to players fleeing the game”, they’re really expressing a lack of trust in Blizzard, not in capitalist incentives. Basically the fear is Blizz hasn’t reformed, hasn’t admitted any wrongdoing, and they’re just cynically trying to shore things up short-term and get people re-invested in their failing MMO… only to pull the rug out from under them later on down the road.

  11. I'm in the same boat as you. I've done the "wait patiently I'm sure things will improve soon" dance with them more than my fair share. Now if they want me to come back, I need to see a few patches and quite probably a new expansion go live with good ideas and proactive changes coming from the beta before I am going to trust them anymore.

  12. Sorry.. 9.1 took almost a full year to come out. 9 months if im not mistaken.. and it was rather.. Lacking in content. All these fixes should've been in 9.1 to justify how long it took. But its clear they don't want to listen to us till its too late. And with them doing that, they put a gold star on themselves and say "Wow hey look at us, we listen, we care, we want you to have what you wanted the whole time, LOOK AT US!!!!"

  13. No lol and even the normies have clocked on that the 6 month sub rewards = no real content for six months. They have turned the actual game into a business to play it. My friend is a high up raid manager for boosting and it is all a business structured and run like an actual real job. I've played for over 10 years and I really think I won't be back unless they uproot the game and put it into new soil whilst trimming the dead roots off.

    The game slowly over the years has become more numbers dependant, less class and character story progression as we're just there watching everyone else's story unfold and they have designed it that way. Blizzard/Activision have min maxed their own game and it has killed it. After playing FF14 all the way through to the end of a realm reborn I realised that Blizzard has been playing us and produce a lacklustre experience. They actually treat wow more like a MOBA as all the pillars of the game are PVP, Raids and M+ which they have turned into an e-sport. It is really a shame as there are very little games I've played this long and have been invested into the lore so much but I'm at the point that if wow shut down tomoz I would breath a sigh or relief knowing that I still have amazing memories of better times and the game can't get worse.

  14. Eh, Stoopz got it right. Blizz could have done this a long time ago, when there was a content drought, but chose not to. Now that their stupidity has hit Blizz in the wallet, they are now deciding to give players what they want? Pass. I'll wait until 10.0.

  15. To me it seems like the replacement of Brack with Ybarra and Jen had the biggest impact on Blizzard more than anything else. Mike Ybarra actually plays WoW on a weekly basis and streams doing +20 keys and heroic raids on the weekends and he complains about stuff like aoe caps and things we don't like as players ingame. He's responded in twitter positively in regards to people complimenting about the improved communication so I honestly felt like he went in there and started bitch slapping Ion and others around.

  16. The real question is how they Handle 9.2 and 9.3 and most importantly 10.0. Is this positive stance reactionary or systemic? Will have to wait and see and do I have hope for wow

  17. its a step in a right direction to be sure, but my concern is that this is yet another temporary thing and then in the next major update or new expansion they will once again put in some new system that will make things frustrating to do once again, like they have been always doing for the last couple of expansions. That is a cycle that WoW needs to break if its to survive IMO

  18. My take (when they announced the removal of the soul cap) was good I like that, I still got some sub time left, I won't resub just for this but I'm willing to take a look at this new patch if it comes out within that time, I ain't pre ordering the next expac or buy it until I am convinced it's worth my time and money.

  19. wait, you unsubbed from wow? well how about that video of yours where you said that unsubing is not the solution because it would affect people's lives that are innocent if you fuck the company? well, that aged like milk

  20. The dev team needs to communicate much better and much more often. They've gone too long without having legitimate MMO competition, and it shows. Hopefully FF is a wakeup call to them.

  21. Good that Blizzard made these changes. These changes will make the current players are still playing more happy. I think that some players might return with the next expansion if Blizzard has learned their lesson, unless they are hooked in another like FF14,

  22. # no changes. Let the streamers and youtubers suffer. They made us hybrid classes suffer through vanilla’s bs again they should suffer too in SL 🤣. Hearing bellular and preach wine about the ripcord and soulbinds has been the highlight of the expansion.

  23. What blizzard needs to focus on is new content! People get bored and stop playing. Especially after the biggest content drought since wod. People want a game to play, most people could care less about soulbinds

  24. Unfortunately, the main drivers that caused me to unsub for the first time in 16 years are not part in the list of fixes, but they are a symptom one of the main reasons I left the game: repeated train of abuses and gaslighting when it comes to the feedback of issue/bugs/etc. being ignored for years and years. As you've said, we've seen this done before, and I could've predicted these changes coming prior to the lawsuit being announced. I'd need to wait until at least 10.0 to see if changes are made, because it's WAY too soon to see if they've actually changed… or if they're still fall back into an abusive relationship.

    With respect to the money: there's a big difference between Blizz trying to earn money through respecting the players and trying to trick/exploit/gaslight/etc. the players. Companies wanting to make money is not inherently wrong or evil… the morality factor of making money depends on HOW Blizz decides to try to earn money. Considering the lawsuit charges (assuming they're true), I don't think morality is high on their list of priorities, and it is reflected in their games and how they treat their customers.

  25. Same as you my friend. Unsubbed and unistalled until I see some goodheart changes that are not done based on sub numbers alone. Having to do it out of spite for the company and the game really made me reevaluate my feelings for the game and the brake up was done. Im a 16years old subbed mythic raider. Too reactivate my wallet to these guys is gonna take a while after this.

  26. "Criticism that makes very little sense"… Acco… It makes a lot of sense when you operate from the assumption that Blizzard shouldn't be a purely profit driven corporation but a gaming community lead by their core tenets… Which is what the company has set itself up as for over a decade. Money wasn't the end all and be all…

    Blizzard has changed from a company that was responsible to their users (circa 2005) to one that is not – it has been a long slow slide. It is now very obvious where that there is little corporate consideration for their paying users beyond keeping those users paying. Blizzard has presented itself as a cultural/community phenomenon which expect their users to support them loyally (hosting conventions, the launcher being an advertisement for all their products, etc). This is perfectly reasonable if the company reciprocates that loyalty – as it had in the past. I am one of those people who received the totally unprompted 10 year veteran WoW statue back in the day… We (players/users) used to matter to the company…

    Sickeningly, their development team has abused and gaslighted those same users continually for years. The lack of communication on vital key issues for the past 8 years is abusive to loyal customers… we accepted it because we hoped that there would be a return to form from the company (like any abusive relationship). The gaslighting in most communication from the devs in the same time period is a noted pattern and continues in the 9.1.5 PTR announcement.

    It seems that people have finally punished the company for their actions. My whole guild is now gone. Blizzard will not be forgiven by most of them and I personally struggle with my own waning subscription – one I have held for 17 years.

    Worse yet Blizzard's high-speed reaction "fixing all the ills" without explicitly begging for forgiveness and acknowledging the mistakes that have been made is another betrayal of the highest order. The structural problems could have been worked on months ago. Discussions about fixing these things could have happened months ago before our patience/trust/fandom was eroded by a lack of CARE from their employees – A superiority of their design decisions and lack of compromise that has been happening since before Legion. Coupled with the absolutely non-sensical gaslight response of their Blue Post, it seems fairly clear that this is a knee jerk reaction and not a change of course for the WoW team. We deserve a better development team.

    Loyal players/users feel betrayed. Blizzard's extreme reaction shows that all previous feedback doesn't matter to developers in the absence of an existential threat. We shouldn't be in a place where existential threats are necessary… in fact this threat seems so great that it will likely lead to most long term loyal customers never returning.

  27. Im going to quote what Asmongold said on one of his videos, this is not a positive thing or action done by blizzard. They have so much shortcomings and fails that this action only gets them to zero, not plus 5 or plus 10. We were in negative 10 before all this changes, and now that they have put out some improvements, this only takes us to zero. Where we were supposedly be in in the first 2 months of the expansion. Stop giving blizzard a pat in the back for doing what is you can call "barely doing what is expected of them". We are a paying customers and blizz gives us dog food, and now they gave us a piece of steak, and we call it blessing? We pay $15 monthly for dogfood all these 3 expansions and now that blizz gave us a piece of steak and we congratulate them? But we ordered steak in the menu for 3 expansions now and all they can give is dogfood. So dont congratulate small actions that we pay for monthly just coz they did small good thing a year and a half after SL. And all these time Blizz really never apologized, and you all assume they did? How low can you guys bring yourself down to just to patronize a billion dollar company? You dont exists for blizzard, only your credit cards do.

  28. I walked away from WoW and Blizzard a little over 5 months ago. These changes are things Shadowlands should have launched with from the get go. To little to late for me i will never go back to playing WoW or any Blizzard game again. Blizzard repeats this dammed pattern over and over every stinking expansion. I done with it. They will not see another minute of my time or another penny from my pocket. Add in the current dumpster fire going on with fans and streamers abandoning WoW and the lawsuit. And it just makes the timing look shady as hell.

  29. The changes are nice but not enough to like keep me subbed or even resub. We killed Sylvanas so now I’m done till 9.2. These changes would’ve made 9.1 launch even better had it happened earlier. At least it’ll make 9.2 better.

  30. Welcome changes for current players but the real core issues remain but regardless of that even fixed them I'll still skip rest of Showlands it's just to tarnished for me. My plan is to wait for next xpac and if there are no bad systems I'll play.


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