Are You Playing The WRONG Version of World of Warcraft?

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🚀 Use this guide to level SUPER FAST in ANY version of WoW:


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13 thoughts on “Are You Playing The WRONG Version of World of Warcraft?”

  1. To anyone reading this: don't stop yourself from playing SOD (the most fun version out there right now imo) just because it is seasonal and it will end eventually. These pixels won't last forever anyway so enjoy the game alongside everybody else while it is available! It also doesn't take all that much commitment to get to end game and raid with people so If you haven't raided before now is the time!

  2. I mostly play retail, but I dabble in classic era. My era mage recently hit level 40 and bought his mount. I have tried hardcore, but I'm not a good enough classic player to survive even to level 20. I made it to 17 on a mage before dying and haven't reached that level again on HC. I'm not interested in playing Cataclysm classic, but I could see it being fun if you have a community or guild to play with.


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