Arthas RETURNS – All Signs in Shadowlands Patch 9.1 Points To an Arthas FUTURE

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So many spoilers in World of Warcraft Shadowlands Chains of Domination point to the return of the Prince Arthas. Will we see him WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.1 or is his story only beginning?

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49 thoughts on “Arthas RETURNS – All Signs in Shadowlands Patch 9.1 Points To an Arthas FUTURE”

  1. We're overthinking this. In W3, Arthas was a guy who fell to the "dark side" because of his own hubris and the "end justifies the means" philosophy. Only now does it seem like there was something more to it because of retcons.

  2. I think that 1st step arthas to beying evil is his solution on strathilm. I agree with u that he couldn't help people. They would be dead or undead anyway. BUT his mistake was killing them. By himself. He could surround the city, organize quarantine with the help of kirin thor or priests. after all, consult with someone more experienced than him: his father, anthonidas, uther, jaina. ANYONE
    His excessive haste, eccentricity and lack of ability to weigh and think did to him a bad joke. So I'll say this is his fault.

  3. The only thing a bit questionable Arthas did before becoming the Lich King was burning his mans ships and trapping them there (And blaming it on the Mercenaries (That is still canon, right? (You just said it is so… I guess thats fine))).

    Stratholme was justified IMO. Sure, you could have Quarantined it yet thats always risky. Most likely wouldn't even have worked.

    Still… I do not want him back, nor Garrosh, nor anyone (maybe besides Varian but meh), if we lose Sylvanas in turn.

  4. We really need arthas. The jailer isn’t much of a villain personality wise. Too much like nzoth just doing things behind the scenes. Sylvanas may not even be a bad guy and switch sides again or redeem herself. So we need arthas to make the story interesting if she betrays the jailer there will be an empty spot there especially if we rescue anduin eventually. Now will arthas be a villain or get a redemption arc too is yet to be seen.

  5. Where i see Arthas? As a very, very small side character. they said they will be extremely careful with hin. Arthas will have no large role in shadowlands.

  6. I just had a thought about the scene, where Sylvanas looked over to Anduin being the vessel of the jailor (looking very similar to Arthas as Lich King).
    What if Sylvanas recognized at this very moment, that her hatred against Arthas is actually "wrong"? Because Arthas was also just a vessel to the jailor?!
    Could that mean that "Sylvanas greatest rival" to whom she has to reveal her truest self, could be Arthas? ..and that her choice may whether to slay or save him?!

  7. I believe Arthas will get redeemed that way blizz can wrap him up with giving ppl the answers to questions like who was in control Arthas or the lich king which anyone who actually read the lore or played wc3 would know what u mean accolon..a way for ppl to have an idea what what it mean to still be you but not have a soul should watch super natural that show awesome and shows you what it would be like as Sam in it has no soul at one point are you but have no feelings or conscience.whatever you are doing like in arthas' case trying to have his ppl he'll do anything to get to save them even killing frie ds ect

  8. To many of us who grew up with these characters and know their stories Arthas, Illidan, and Sylvanas have been heroes, but presented to us from the perspective of anti-heroes. Now Bliz is giving us their stories from the opposing perspective which may seem like a redemption to some, but these characters have never needed a redemption. All of them made impossible choices for the sake of their people and were corrupted by forces beyond them. They were then judged cruelly by the people they cared about and wanted to protect and cast out as villains. They were never really villains and now we are getting our heroes back……possibly because Bliz needs to use them for ratings and money, but you can't deny that dangling the Arthas, Illidan, or Sylvanas carrots before us brings us back to Blizzards yard faster than any milkshake.

  9. In this case, i think Arthas will be more like Illidan in Legion. He will be in after-lichking state, may be restores some of his paladin powers(or finds a new, may be from some other force, not Light or Death). Probably he helps us with Sylvanas or Anduin case.

  10. While I couldn't call Arthas' actions "evil" with the Stratholme purging, throughout that campaign he became more and more compulsive and acting without thinking.. falling right into the trap laid by Mal'ganis that led him to northrend. What really bugs me is that when reaching Stratholme, Arthas didn't show any hesitation or remorse and just instantly wanted to slaughter everyone. And when Uther even simply has reservations and says there's got to be another way, Arthas immediately treats him like a traitor.. simply for showing hesitation at the thought of slaughtering an entire town. Not once did Arthas even make any attempt to say that "no, sadly there is no other way". Even earlier in the campaign I don't recall Arthas making any attempts to think about it or try to find an alternative. It felt like he was already mentally becoming the lich king before reaching northrend.

  11. I suspect Arthas will be continuing his chase after Malganis somehow. It just makes sense to me. I'm sure he still blames him for everything, so he's probably in league with Zovaal only as a means of somehow getting at Malganis.

  12. I understand where you're coming. It is said that Arthas' soul was the first to be claimed by Frostmourne. Without a soul, one cannot decide what is right and what is wrong. However, he made the choice to pick up Frostmourne, even if he was full of righteous revenge, he had a soul and he made the choice. He can't get off scot free.

  13. I wonder if they're doing sequels to previous expansions. WoD & Legion were spiritual continuations of TBC. Shadowlands thematically seems to be a sequel to Wrath.

    BFA was essentially a bridge. So was WoD. If we continue this pattern, Cata story would be next to build on. What are 2 expansions everyone has been waiting on? Void and Dragons Isles!

  14. Accolon, at the end of lich king expansion, we see arthas talking to his dad and seeing only darkness. It , to my mind suggests that arthas still loves to serve light and this darkness is not what arthas Is willing to serve . Besides, if arthas was supposed to be a general of jailer's army, what's the point in using Anduin??
    I literally believe that arthas will be fighting against jailer

  15. Arthas chose all of this until he wore the helm. He must live and suffer the consequences even if the ends to him justify the means. There is always a better way to go about things that slaughtering everyone.

  16. There are too many possibilities here for me to sort it out. The X-Pac is ok with me a little dry for content in waiting for the roll out of the content and storyline continuations. I do know that I don't want a redemption story. In the sense that I am an Illidan fanboi second only to Sylvanas. I would rather see Arthas be freed from the Maw and finally get to take his destiny back into his hands. Not a redemption just a continuation on his own terms rather than as a pawn of the next thing such as Ner'zhul, Kel'thuzad and The Jailer. Seeing him become his own persona again and then fight for Azeroth or even for his own self, similar to the choices made by Illidan. Like Illidan in his story Arthas does not need to be redeemed.

  17. Arthas did plenty wrong lol. I mean, Stratholme was a hell of a situation and there was probably no right choice as far as that one is concerned, but what he did in Northrend was obviously wrong. He lied to his men, hired mercenries to sink their ships so they couldn't go back and than killed those same mercenaries. Then he left his friend Bronzebeard for dead just so he could get his hands on Frostmourne. And then after he became the Lich King he killed his own father. I mean he obviously wasn't exactly sane by that point, but he did it of his own free will. And you can't excuse him based on Frostmourne/the Helm of Domination. Why didn't Bolvar commit such atrocities while under the helm's influence ? Arthas did go insane but it was lin arge part because of his own actions. So he did plenty wrong … Stratholme was the only part where it wasn't at all black and white.

  18. Ner’Zhul as the Jailer’s handyman just cracks me up: imagine him being demoted after being kicked into the Maw by Arthas, and subsequently whenever one of Torgast’s floors springs a leak, the Jailer summons him to fix it 😂😂😂

    then Sylv destroys the tower at the end of the raid, and Ner’Zhul just rage quits lmao

  19. i dont think Arthas would want redemption as such, but I can see him being pissed at the Jailer when he works out how he was manipulated, maybe he attacks the Jailer for his own reasons, he might be immune to the death magic etc and do a better job then Bolvar did against Salvanis as he was more of a true Lich King

  20. Arthas was dying and the LK let go of his soul (remember the cut scene with King Terenas). His soul was carried away by Uther to the maw……… The maw now has a pure soul Arthas in it. If he doesn't get played out as a good guy then idk what to do with canon anymore..

  21. I want to Arthas help us like Medivh in Warcraft 3, he dont want forgiveness for his crimes, he just stay in the back, and guide us like a mysterious hooded stranger.

  22. There are 4 states for Arthus. Before he was driven to desperation, as he became more desperate during the human campaign, when he lost his soul the moment he claimed frostmorne, and after he put on the helmet. At what stage is he being held accountable? Before he took frostmorne or after? I doubt he is being judged by what he did when wearing the helmet.

  23. I dont know how exactly everything plays out, but i think that Anduins swort contains now Arthas Soul (the blue cristal). Somehow Anduin is able with the Power of light to free himself and with his swort he is able to give Arthas his Soul back. Arthas take Hugh revenge on Mal Ganis and helps us with the  whole funky Jailor bunch ("You never every ruin anybodys life"). Meanwhile Bastion get the idea, thanks to Uther, that it is a bad way to clean the memorys of everyone minds. After Arthas revenge Uther bring him to Bastion and take care for him. There is a Moment where Arthas can say how sorry he was for his actions after taking frostmourne and loosing his soul ("I could see everything, but without my soul, i couldnt control my actions" [like in supernatural]). Uther overcomes his own wish for revenge, go back to is duty to take care of Arthas way for the right path. Without brainwash, both spent some eternety to help semselfe to heal together. Uthers Soul will heal by helping Arthas becoming the man he used to be bevor Frostmourne.

  24. I think he will not be a focus in the story based on the comments of the developers he will only be part of other important characters like Silvana and Uther. About Arthas himself I think we will see a broken character tormented until he did break and give up.


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