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#warcraft #blizzard #blizzcon #blizzconline
One of my favorite fictional worlds is Azeroth from the Warcraft franchise. The realms of the Night Elves are particularly special and nostalgic for me. To learn more about the Warcraft franchise, check it out here:
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The talented artist Adam “Forange” Törn has generously given me permission to use his artwork in this video. Please visit his portfolio and see more of his work! (
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I do not own any of the visuals or audio in my videos and my channel is not monetized. All ads direct revenue to the respective copyright owners through the Content ID system. Please check out the copyright links to the original music in the links below. Videos on my channel are removed immediately upon request from the copyright owners or YouTube.
I love all these comments, everyone should go back and play, dont let it be nostalgia, go have fun again
i spent countless Hours listening to this in Ashenvale on a Pvp/Rp Server..scouting the Horde..that was the first "dangerous" Area as a Nightelf…so many great Memories
Never really got into WoW but I jam to the music all the time while i'm gaming on my other MMORPG
So nostalgic, it really soothes my worried mind nowadays 🙂
Alright well you hear the finesse in this music for the forest here that's how not racist and finessed there sabtoge and connections to slavery from Africa is now you'll notice peaches are critical watermelon is critical berries are critical as well as anything for the heart and spearmint but they feel advantages for slavery every sabtoge remember that – willy 0
But that's how finessed anti sabatoge also has to be a lot of the time and youll find that out the hard way with dead tits and dick lol healed to top 1% healthiest sperm slavery doesnt want you to have healthy sperm eggs or anything of the such compared to the ones in control – willy 0
I like elves and Angels ❤
I love listening to this while I am at the Darkmoon Faire. I just can't stand the music there. I turn off the music, leave on the sound and listen to this video. Thank you for making it, it feels really nostalgic.
amazing experiences back in the day. would be cool if they could erase the wow part of everyones memory, and we could do it all again. maybe in 20 years
Skyrim Ancient Stones will change your life!
This music immediately transports me to my first WoW moments, as my first char was NE Rogue
Oh the memories! Playing my NE rogue, not having a clue, seeing the AH for the first time and the shock of an item costing 2g.
Cannot describe how emotionally touched I am as this music starts.
The start of this ambient… you go from the Barrens into Ashenvale for the first time… unbelievably epic
The music carried it. It is actually quite an empty game they never developed.
este video juego es uno de los más hermosos que he jugado, su música traslada la mente y te transporta a lugares bellos que tiene este mundo, realmente es hermosa cada pieza.
My faforite zone
And @Steven Sharif I Hope you have A zone like this is Ashes of creation
There is A spiritual Celtic myst there
As a Horde player, Ashenvale was the first pvp zone I experienced back in 2006. This will always be the zone I remember the most fondly from my time playing as my brain was at peak awareness for hours after I entered with my orc hunter. I felt stalked by Alliance druids, rogues, and other vile red nameplates I got a glimpse of in the distance as I tried to stay out of sight. I quit play after MoP and I will never return as the magic of playing this game is all but gone, but man do I miss the days when I used to play. For many reasons it was the best period of my life. It's the closest I've been to childhood bliss as a young adult and WoW played a big part in that
I wish there was a place like this so I could actually live there….
Why is there 4K in the title? Is sound quality and 4K correlated?
*sees wallpaper
Elf: wow so majestic and tranquil.
Human: awesome tourist destination.
This is treasure, and it must be kept!
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When I first saw WoW, I thought it looked like the stupidest game ever. Cut to my freshman year of High School and I watched one of my friends play it, I even got another to lend me the CD Booklet. After that I was hooked, this song especially resonates with me because my first character was a Night Elf Hunter. I do not regret those years of playing this game, the friends I made the fun we had. If I had the chance to go back I'd do it all over again.