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Asmongold clears the final and hardest Torghast Dungeon Mode: Twisting Corridors Layer 8. The metaphorical god climbs through 18 floors to finally obtain the Maw mount! As of right now this is the hardest and most difficult Torghast of the newly released Shadowlands expansion, but we can be certain new modes will be added on the next patches and perhaps even the infinite mode available during the Shadowlands beta…
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► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough
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Just be a monk and use Vivify tbh.
When you are more focused on the Halo music than the actual WoW footage. And wtf layer 8 boss…..Asmon took almost no damage at all. How the fk is that hard.
I actually really appreciate the text for what powers he picks.
Anyone got any bets when he is coming out from closet because he talks too much about di++s
Meanwhile my priest gets shit the entire time. Gratz on layer 8.
The text on the screen really helps when I don’t know what some things do
Why does chat always bully mobile users 🙁
I would like to hear the game not Halo music. Wtf
I did layer 8 but never got a mount for it
Looking like Jeff Sokell from TCAP
"I was so f@cking bad, boiz" lolol….your bad is my best : / I suck. Of course I will never have the gear you have fml.
I'll cc both at the same time by killing them!!!!!
love this video
Perma die by the sword makes this so easy… I just get auto'd to death on high floors.
It is completely no brainer to do torghast as venthyr warrior, you ltierally need 2 blues(condem stun and can use condem at any HP) and rage generation grays to kill everything.
I wish a ww monk could do this solo
Asmon u lookin good will suport you for ever
When you watch one asmongold video, youtube will recommend them all.
for me as a druid it was nearly impossible to do it on my own, i did layer 1-6 in one day all on my own that was no problem but layer 7 and 8 fvckd me so hard that i needed a group for it .. but yeah now i got that shitty mount and i dont even need it xD
I heard Jinnytty just started playing WoW i think your title of being the Literal Mount God is in danger asmon you might get dethroned good luck!
I barely did layer 2 WTF. How big ilvl he is?