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Right as Asmongold dives into Shadowlands, he discovers the new mobile-esque game that seems familiar! Watch the best parts of his WoW Shadowlands streams including the Journey to Level 60, Choosing a Covenant, PvP Arenas with Mcconnell & even checking the what the *special* kind of roleplayers are doing. All that and more in this hand-picked clip compilation Best of Asmongold!
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough
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A mini game is a mini game
Bro how much can you lift with your eyebrows man? they are more active than your tounge and fingers combined
Water cannot save asmon lol
doesnt even do flappy bird quest once what a clickbait title
Flappy Bird is the worst
The 2 editors need to talk to each other to avoid all these reruns
"Then i remember I hate other games"
Me: Didn't you say you enjoyed the crap out of Dark Souls, recent Demons Souls Remake, the Baldur's gate 3 early access, and few more non wow games recently? o:
12:20 "You winnin, son?"
that flappy bird quest is a world quest as well
MODS SCROLL UP hes banned Sadge they took my hobo Sadge
Jesus…the guy that did the portrait….imagine how sad……..
Does asmongold not do wow classic anymore?
Chat empty Pog
Upset at flappy bird? As if we didn't already have Joust in Cata, which is the OG flappy bird. Not to mention the others like MoP farm, the Plants vs Zombies questline, the matching games, the Bejeweled games, etc.
I thought we left the shitty mobile game "quests" in BfA.
its easy not that bad
It’s not nearly as bad as the bfa beach turtle quests… not even fucking close actually lol.
Flappy: Imprisoned for 6 years… Banished from all app stores… and now you DARE put me on your game? you are not prepared…
a wild skeleton appears but instead of attacking you he tries to mount a mechanical cow
Asmon dies from alcoholism future title
2:26 healers after every pull in classic
I actually don't get the hate for the flappy bird quest. It's just a fun little mini game and you don't even have to do it. Also flappy bird isn't a bad game i play it for fun when i am bored.
I’m going to go with the bald surgeon.
It's better than bfa, but it's total shit considering what they could have done. Also, imagine being a whiny clueless euro playing a game by an American company wondering why we get it first.
Asmond copper would be dirt ass poor if he refunded WoW.
Asmon: Delete the retards!!!
Mods: A'ight???? -> Chat goes empty
11:36 when ur mom walks in the room